Stable Diffusion vs DALL-E: Which AI Image Generator is Better?

AI image generators like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E have revolutionized creative processes, offering tools to transform textual descriptions into vivid, visual representations. These platforms leverage advanced algorithms to interpret and materialize ideas into digital artwork, presenting unique features and user experiences. 

In this article, we will delve into the nuances of Stable Diffusion and DALL-E, comparing their capabilities, user interface, and overall performance to guide creatives in choosing the right tool for their artistic endeavors.

What do AI Images Generators Do?

AI image generators use machine learning algorithms to create images based on text prompts. They start with a random noise pattern and iteratively refine it to match the provided description, resulting in diverse and unique visual outputs.

Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is known for its open-source nature, offering a high degree of customization and control. It allows users to fine-tune the generation process, adjust the level of detail, and even train the model on specific datasets to produce highly tailored results. 

The platform is accessible through various interfaces, including Stability AI's DreamStudio, and can be installed locally for personal or commercial use.


DALL-E, developed by OpenAI, is renowned for its ability to generate highly creative and sometimes whimsical images from concise prompts. It operates through platforms like ChatGPT and Microsoft's Bing Image Creator, offering a more streamlined and user-friendly experience. 

DALL-E emphasizes ease of use and integration with other services, providing a straightforward approach to image generation.

Feature Showdown

When it comes to features, each app has its own distinct features that make it stand out:

Stable Diffusion Features

  • Open-Source Accessibility: Allows full access to the codebase for customization and integration into personal projects.
  • Advanced Customization: Offers detailed control over the image generation process, including the ability to use negative prompts.
  • Local Installation: Enables running the model on personal hardware, offering privacy and control over data.
  • Community Extensions: Supports a wide range of community-developed styles and enhancements.
  • Inpainting Capability: Provides advanced image editing options like inpainting, allowing detailed modifications of generated images.

DALL-E Features

  • Simplified User Experience: Offers an intuitive interface, making it accessible for beginners and those preferring a straightforward approach.
  • Integration with Other Services: Seamlessly works with ChatGPT and other Microsoft services for an integrated workflow.
  • Prompt Flexibility: Excels in generating coherent images from less detailed prompts.
  • Stylistic Versatility: While limited compared to Stable Diffusion, it can still produce a wide range of artistic styles.
  • Innovative Editing Options: Although more restricted than Stable Diffusion, DALL-E provides unique editing capabilities, especially in its previous versions.

Image Quality

The quality of the output heavily relies on how well the user can craft and refine prompts, emphasizing the importance of understanding the model's capabilities and limitations. 

Each have their own unique algorithms and training data, which influences how they interpret and execute prompts. Let’s take a look at these examples.

Prompt: Create surreal dreamscapes on the theme of SCIFI blending reality and fantasy, using unconventional perspectives and dreamlike elements to evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Stable Diffusion:


DALL-E’s image showcases a vibrant, detail-rich landscape with a blend of surreal and realistic elements, focusing on brightness and color. In contrast, Stable Diffusion’s rendition is more subdued, with a painterly quality that emphasizes mood and atmosphere through a softer color palette and ethereal lighting.

Both images are impressive in quality and detail, showcasing the capabilities of AI-generated art. The choice between the two would come down to personal preference for the scene's mood, color, theme, and composition. 

Diversity of Styles and Artistic Flexibility

Stable Diffusion boasts a wide array of styles, from photorealism to various artistic and abstract forms. This diversity is further enhanced by the ability to use community-trained models, allowing for a vast spectrum of visual expressions. 

The platform’s flexibility in prompt engineering also means that users can experiment with different styles and nuances, tailoring the output to their specific artistic vision.

DALL-E’s style generation is more constrained. Due to content policy restrictions, DALL-E won’t be able to create certain images with copyright infringement.

Sample Image with Prompts

1) Prompt: Analog style, Closeup head and shoulders portrait, ((blonde model)), long curly hair, beautiful face, gray eyes, symmetrical features, perfect skin, juicy lips, looking at camera, realistic photo, award winning photography, intricate details, masterpiece, leather couch, orange and teal, dynamic lighting, cinematic filters, effects, retouched, tattoos, tanned skin

Stable Diffusion


2) Prompt: Create a stunning mystical mountain landscape with tall snowy peaks and dense forests in the epic style of Bob Ross.

Stable Diffusion


3) Prompt: Create a pop art-style digital painting depicting Black Panther in a scene referencing Wakanda. Use bold, saturated colors.

Stable Diffusion


4) Prompt: Create an enchanting fantasy digital painting depicting an elven village with woodland creatures, wizards, and magic visual effects portrayed in JRR Tolkien style.

Stable Diffusion


Stable Diffusion vs DALL-E Pricing

Stable Diffusion is accessible as an open-source model, which can be used for free, especially if installed and run locally. Commercial applications may require purchasing credits or subscriptions through platforms like DreamStudio, but the core technology remains free to access and use, with costs associated mainly with cloud processing and advanced features.

DALL-E operates under a different model, with pricing tied to OpenAI’s ChatGPT Plus subscription at $20/month, which includes DALL-E usage. There are also options to use DALL-E through other services, which might have different pricing structures or usage limitations.

Which AI Image Generator is is Right for You?

Determining which AI image generator depends on your preference. Stable Diffusion's open-source nature and community-driven development model foster rapid experimentation and diverse applications, making it a hub for technical innovation and variety in image generation. 

On the other hand, DALL-E, consistently pushes the boundaries of creative AI, demonstrating remarkable capabilities in generating unexpected and thought-provoking images from simple prompts. 

For specific uses and creative needs, Stable Diffusion may be better for users who value control, customization, and technical innovation, while DALL-E is likely more suitable for those who prioritize ease of use, integration with other tools, and creative exploration within the bounds of a more structured and user-friendly platform.

Harnessing AI Creativity with OpenArt

OpenArt is a cutting-edge AI image generator that offers a comprehensive suite of tools for creative expression. Unlike Stable Diffusion and DALL-E, which specialize in text-to-image generation, OpenArt provides a broader range of functionalities, including image-to-image, inpainting, outpainting, and even real-time drawing. 

OpenArt Features

OpenArt excels in offering a rich feature set tailored for both novice and professional creatives:

  • Extensive Model Variety: With over 100 models and styles, OpenArt caters to a wide spectrum of artistic needs, from photorealistic to abstract and everything in between.
  • Promptless Creation: OpenArt introduces the ability to generate images with minimal or no prompting.
  • Advanced Editing Capabilities: OpenArt includes sophisticated editing tools like inpainting and outpainting, offering fine-grained control over the final artwork.

OpenArt Images

Using the same prompts used in Stable Diffusion and DALL-E, here’s what OpenArt images are capable of: 

Prompt 1

Prompt 2

Prompt 3

Prompt 4

Start creating on OpenArt!

Keen on exploring the limitless possibilities of digital art? Start your exploration by signing up with Open Art. Delve into a rich tapestry of styles, techniques, and ideas that will expand your horizons and ignite your imagination. Every click is a new discovery.

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