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  • Account & Privacy
  • Copyrights
  • Credits & Generations
  • Extra Credit Add-ons
  • General
  • Subscriptions
  • Can't find an answer? Submit a Support Request

Account & Privacy
Are my generations private, even if I’m not a subscriber?
Data privacy and security are our utmost priorities. All images generated are private by default, whether or not you’re a subscriber. They would only be visible by others if you choose to publish them. We implement robust security measures to protect your data, with strict data handling procedures to ensure the privacy of your creations.
Can you help me delete all my images and my account?
You can delete your account by clicking the profile icon in the upper right corner. Go to Profile -> Settings -> Danger Zone -> Delete My Account And Data. When you delete your account, you delete all account information including your generated images and trained models. Note that our account deletions are true deletions and are non-recoverable.
Can you recover my account/images/models?
All deletions conducted by you are true deletions and non-recoverable. We always maintain minimum storage of your data to ensure your data security.
How do you store data?
Data privacy and security are our utmost priorities. Unpublished creations are stored with different retention policies for subscribers (until deletion by the user) and non-subscribers (14 days). We implement robust security measures to protect your data, with strict data handling procedures to ensure the privacy of your creations.
I'd like to use images I created or images I found on your platform for commercial purposes, can I use them?

Yes you can! You may quote the work for your purposes with proper credits to and the artist. You may give credits in ways you find suitable depending on the specific use case. For example, we have people

  • creating characters and artistic assets to aid game development or RPG games like D&D, and giving shout-out to in the description, website and even source code
  • making book/album covers and attributing to where the human artist would typically be credited
  • generating images for products for sale and attributing to on their shop site
  • creating content for YouTube and etc. and mentioning in the description
  • posting images on their personal pages and crediting within Instagram/X/Pinterest bio and caption

whatever it is, we are absolutely thrilled to see your creativity thrive and grateful for your kind credits. This is the entire reason why we are doing this!

Does OpenArt own the rights to the images generated?
OpenArt does not claim any rights to the images generated. The generations are not copyrighted by default. As currently directed by the U.S. Copyright Office, any AI-generated image automatically falls in the public domain. You may use, modify and distribute the images commercially or non-commercially, as long as you do not consciously use it to create illegal or unethical content.
Credits & Generations
Can I generate images on OpenArt for free?
Yes! When you sign up, you receive 40 trial credits to try premium features and advanced models for a 7-day trial period. You can earn extra trial credits by subscribing to our Youtube channel, following the Twitter page, and joining the OpenArt Discord. You can always subscribe to a plan for more credits.
Will I be able to keep my generation history?
Your generation history is stored for 14 days if you're a non-subscriber. You can download or publish images before they're deleted. You can also upgrade your account to keep your generation history. For subscribers, all generation history, private or published, is stored indefinitely with an active subscription.
Do my monthly credits roll over?

The credits reset after every calendar month. They do not roll over.

e.g. John has an annual Advanced subscription that started in March 7. He gets 12,000 credits and uses 6,000 of them. On April 1, he would see 6,000 credits left. On April 7, his credits are reset to 12,000.

Why aren't my monthly credits reset?

You can check your next credit refill date on the Manage Subscriptions Page.

For yearly subscriptions, your credits reset monthly according to your billing anchor date and time.

For monthly subscriptions, your credits reset monthly after each payment is completed. The payment will be billed according to the billing anchor date and time.

The anchor date and time is the date and time of the last subscription change (newly subscription/upgrade/downgrade/migrate)

  • e.g. If Coco subscribes on Jan 1 10pm, the next refill will be on Feb 1 10pm. If Coco then upgraded the plan on Feb 20, the next refill will be on March 20.
  • Note that the time of the day also matters - if your subscription was created in the afternoon, your credits will also refill in the afternoon.

The following are examples of monthly resets with different anchor dates:

  • A subscription with an anchor date of September 2 will bill/reset on the second day of the month.
  • A subscription with an anchor date of January 31 will bill/reset the last day of the month closest to the anchor date, so February 28 (or February 29 in a leap year), then March 31, April 30, and so on.
How many credits do generations cost?

The number of credits required for generations depends on the feature you're using. You can always check the exact credit cost before performing an action—next to the Generate button, you'll see a line indicating "XX credits will be charged."

Here's a general breakdown of credit costs:

  • Standard Image Generations: ~1 credit per image for most SD-based models.
  • Most Editor Actions: ~5 credits per action (varies by tool).
  • Generations from Trained Models & Characters: ~10 credits per image.
  • Advanced Tools like Upscale and Sketch-to-image: 20-30 credits per image.
  • Character Creation / Model Training: ~2,500 credits each.

For the most up-to-date credit costs, always check the credit indicator before generating!

What are turbo points?
Turbo points give you a lightning-fast experience of under 5 seconds on average per image. Once your turbo points are out, generation speed will return to regular which could take between 30-90 seconds. You'll see a Turbo Mode on/off indicator when you create.
When do turbo points reset?
Turbo points reset daily.
How do I get more turbo points?
You can upgrade to the next level to get more turbo points.
Extra Credit Add-ons
What are add-ons?
Add-ons are monthly extra credits that you can purchase in addition to your subscription plan. They work just like your subscription credits—only more of them! Add-ons are available in increments of 5,000 credits and can be added to your plan at any time.
Do I get access to add-ons immediately after purchasing?

Yes! Add-on credits are added to your account right away, so you can start creating more instantly.

Example: Amy's subscription plan renews on February 6. On February 10, Amy buys an add-on pack and receives 5,000 credits immediately. These credits are available for use right away, in addition to her subscription credits.

Note: Add-on credits do not roll over. If you purchase add-ons close to your subscription renewal date but don't plan to use them before your renewal, it's better to wait and purchase after the renewal.

How will I be billed for add-ons?

Add-ons are billed when you first purchase them and then included in your monthly subscription renewal billing cycle.

Example: Amy's subscription renews on March 10. On March 15, she purchases an add-on pack and gets billed for the add-on. On April 10, she is billed for her subscription + the add-on pack. Both her subscription and add-on credits reset together every month on the renewal date.

Can I change my add-on options?

Yes, you can increase, decrease or cancel your add-ons anytime for future billing cycles.

Example: Amy needs more credits in February for a big project and purchases 3 add-on packs. In March, she reduces her add-on packs to just 1.

You can modify add-ons on the pricing page. You can cancel add-ons on the subscriptions page.

Do add-on credits roll over?
No, add-on credits refresh monthly, just like your subscription credits. Any unused credits will reset at the start of your new subscription cycle.
What happens to my add-ons if I cancel my Advanced/Infinite plan?
If you cancel your Advanced/Infinite plan, your add-ons will be canceled as well.
Why is my model failing?
OpenArt offers a variety of models for you to explore. Some models may experience unstable performance. We don’t have direct control over all of them, but rest assured that the issue will resolve itself soon enough. Please give it some time and try again.
Do I waste my credits when generations fail?
Don’t worry - in the rare cases of failed generations, your credits are refunded. If you don’t see them immediately, simply refresh the page.
What are parallel generations?
Parallel generations refer to the number of generations that can run simultaneously.
I heard cool things about AI and decided to explore it. What should my expectations be?

We are so glad to have you here! We highly recommend you joining the OpenArt Discord, where you’ll find a supportive community. You also get free credits there!

It may seem mysterious and intimidating at first, but we are here to help you succeed. I promise it only takes a little bit of playing around to get a good sense of what AI can do.

AI is not expected to get every image perfectly. Instead, it spits out things according to your prompt. When you generate a number of images, one or two of them might end up closer to what you want. In that case, you can click on the image you like and select [Img2img]. Then, AI will learn to make variations based on the image you prefer.

We highly suggest trying out different models, as each model has unique strengths with certain styles and subjects. If you don’t like what you’re getting, you probably just haven’t found the right model. Questions like this are great for the Discord community, as other people likely have gone through that searching process you’re in.

Prompting is perhaps the most important thing here. Mastering prompting is like practising brushstrokes (of course, much easier). To get started, this prompt book can be helpful!

Can I cancel my subscription any time?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription any time. If you're on the monthly plan and cancel, your subscription will end after the current month. For those on the yearly plan, cancelling means your subscription will end after the current year.
How can I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel/manage your subscription any time here. To avoid future charges, you may cancel your subscription at least five days before the billing period renewal date.
What happens when I upgrade?
When you upgrade, you immediately gain access to all corresponding features, including the new amount of credits. You are billed by the pro-rated difference between your new and old plan.
What happens when I downgrade/cancel?
The change takes effect in the next billing cycle. You lose the paid credits when your current cycle expires.
What’s the difference between the monthly and annual plans?

The features you get are the same, the only difference is in pricing. The annual plan gives a much better price per month, while the monthly plan offers a higher flexibility.

For example, for the Essential Plan, if you select "monthly" billing, the price is $14/mo and you will be billed $14 for the month. If you select "annual" billing, the price is $7/mo and you will be billed $84 for the year.

If your usage is more long-term and deterministic, the annual plan fits you better. If you’re testing things out, we recommend starting with monthly - you can still switch to the annual plan any time.

I made a subscription but don’t see it on my account. What’s going on?
This is usually because you are logged into a different account. Please double-check the Google/Discord Account your payment was linked to, and log into the same OpenArt account. The easiest way to do this is to refer to the email printed on your receipt.
I did not authorize the subscription and I don’t know why I’m being charged.
This can be a result of payment fraud. Unfortunately, our site has no intel on this. We advise you to contact your bank immediately since your payment method may be at risk.
Can I get a refund if I’m not happy with the generated images?

We generally do not offer refunds as per stated in our terms. However, you may cancel your subscription any time to avoid being billed in the future.

We have heard from our users that it takes a little while to learn their way around the features. Users generally get satisfying results in less than a week. Give it a try! The OpenArt Youtube and Wiki are packed with helpful resources.

Can I get a refund if I made a purchase by accident?
Our policy typically does not allow for refunds, but we acknowledge exceptional cases may occur. Should you need a refund due to a rare circumstance, be aware that transaction processing fees of about 15% may apply. For assistance or to discuss your specific situation, please reach out to our support team.
Can't find an answer? Submit a Support Request
If your question can't be answered here, the next step is to submit a support request.

Due to the current high traffic, following the instructions below will ensure your request gets labelled correctly. Failure to follow these steps may result in longer wait times for a response.

OpenArt subscribers receive guaranteed priority support, with expected response times ranging from 1-3 business days.

  • Please send the request from the same email as your OpenArt account email. If you are not able to do so, please include the corresponding OpenArt account email in your request.
  • If you cannot locate your OpenArt account email, you can go to Profile -> Settings and include your Username (not Display Name) in your request.
  • If you are a subscriber, please specify the plan you are on.
  • If your request involves certain actions taken by you or issues encountered during usage of the platform, you can describe the actions or try to include relevant screenshots. This will really help us debug fast for you.
  • Submit your request to [email protected].

For case-specific guidance regarding image generation, model training or ComfyUI workflows, please check out our OpenArt AI Discord or OpenArt Dev Discord. Such questions likely won't see a response from the support email, as our support representatives can help with account and subscription issues but lack deep understanding of your creative projects.