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Mike Novak

Mike Novak


Film noir version of Star Trek: Strange New World, Celia Rose Gooding is Kenyan Ensign Nyota Uhura, in uniform, detailed face, detailed eyes, detailed hands, gritty post-apocalyptic wasteland, dusty and desolate environment, high quality, detailed textures, realistic, post-apocalyptic, derelict futuristic spacecraft, windy, emotional storytelling, intense lighting and shadows, muted earthy tones, rusty futuristic mining equipment, liminal spaces, dramatic angles, Denis Villeneuve-inspired, detailed facial expressions, dust and debris in the air, lens flare, emotional connection, IMAX 70mm film, Nikkor PC 85/2 LTM lens,
Film noir version of Star Trek: Strange New Wor... [more]

Negative prompt

missing fingers, fused fingers, extra fingers, missing limbs, extra limbs, deformed limbs, deformed faces, Mutated limbs, misspellings, makeup
missing fingers, fused fingers, extra fingers,... [more]
Model: OpenArt SDXL
Width: 768Height: 432
Scale: 7Steps: 25
Sampler: EulerSeed: 923098924
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Prompt: Film noir version of Star Trek: Strange New World, Celia Rose Gooding is Kenyan Ensign Nyota Uhura, windswept hair, detailed hair strands, detailed arms, detailed hands, gritty post-apocalyptic wasteland, dusty and desolate environment, high quality, detailed textures, realistic, post-apocalyptic, derelict futuristic spacecraft,  emotional storytelling, intense lighting and shadows, muted earthy tones, rusty futuristic mining equipment, liminal spaces, dramatic angles,  Denis Villeneuve-inspired, detailed facial expressions, dust and debris in the air, lens flare, emotional connection, IMAX 70mm film, Voigtlander Super Wide-Heliar 15/4.5 lens,
Prompt: Film noir version of Star Trek: Strange New World, Celia Rose Gooding is Kenyan Ensign Nyota Uhura, gritty post-apocalyptic wasteland, dusty and desolate environment, high quality, detailed textures, realistic, post-apocalyptic, intense close-ups, derelict futuristic spacecraft,  emotional storytelling, intense lighting and shadows, muted earthy tones, rusty futuristic mining equipment, liminal spaces, dramatic angles,  Denis Villeneuve-inspired, detailed facial expressions, dust and debris in the air, lens flare, emotional connection, IMAX 70mm film, Voigtlander Super Wide-Heliar 15/4.5 lens,
Prompt: Film noir version of Star Trek: Strange New World, 20-year-old Kenyan  Ensign Nyota Uhura and 29-year-old half-Vulcan Spock, some main cast crew members, gritty post-apocalyptic wasteland, windy, dusty and desolate environment, high quality, detailed textures, realistic, post-apocalyptic, intense close-ups, derelict futuristic spacecraft,  emotional storytelling, intense lighting and shadows, muted earthy tones, rusty futuristic mining equipment, liminal spaces, dramatic angles,  Denis Villeneuve-inspired, detailed facial expressions, dust and debris in the air, lens flare, emotional connection, IMAX 70mm film, Voigtlander Super Wide-Heliar 15/4.5 lens,
Prompt: a highly detailed professional matte painting combining elements of Star Trk and Gladiator, IMAX 70mm film, Voigtlander Super-Wide Heliar 15mm lens,  iconic Star Trek characters, a futuristic city, futuristic Roman architecture, detailed Roman-inspired Starfleet uniforms, detailed Starfleet communicator badges, realistic rank insignia, relaxed posture, natural posture, dramatic lighting and shadows, highly-detailed, sci-fi, detailed faces, detailed hair, detailed eyes, detailed arms, relaxed arms, detailed hands, relaxed hands, detailed mouths,  vibrant and dynamic, Roman Empire vibe, captivating storytelling, expressive faces, intense expressions, cybernetic enhancements, futuristic technology, cinematic quality, dynamic composition, dramatic poses, unique visual narrative, scars, tattoos, blood, sweat, dramatic angles, lens flare, professional lighting, Uhura
Prompt: a highly detailed professional matte painting combining elements of Star Trk and Gladiator, IMAX 70mm film, Voigtlander Super-Wide Heliar 15mm lens,  iconic Star Trek characters, a futuristic city, futuristic Roman architecture, detailed Roman-inspired Starfleet uniforms, detailed Starfleet communicator badges, realistic rank insignia, relaxed posture, natural posture, dramatic lighting and shadows, highly-detailed, sci-fi, detailed faces, detailed hair, detailed eyes, detailed arms, relaxed arms, detailed hands, relaxed hands, detailed mouths,  vibrant and dynamic, Roman Empire vibe, captivating storytelling, expressive faces, intense expressions, cybernetic enhancements, futuristic technology, cinematic quality, dynamic composition, dramatic poses, unique visual narrative, scars, tattoos, blood, sweat, dramatic angles, lens flare, professional lighting, Uhura
Prompt: a highly detailed professional matte painting combining elements of Star Trk and Gladiator, IMAX 70mm film, Voigtlander Super-Wide Heliar 15mm lens,  iconic Star Trek characters, a thriving retro-futuristic city, futuristic neoclassical architecture, sleek futuristic advanced equipment,  cybernetic enhancements, futuristic technology, retro-futuristic machinery, detailed Roman-inspired Starfleet uniforms, detailed Starfleet communicator badges, realistic rank insignia, relaxed posture, natural posture, dramatic lighting and shadows, highly-detailed, sci-fi, detailed faces, detailed hair, detailed eyes, detailed arms, relaxed arms, detailed hands, relaxed hands, detailed mouths,  vibrant and dynamic, Roman Empire vibe, captivating storytelling, expressive faces, intense expressions,  bright eyes, highly reflective eyes,  cinematic quality, dynamic composition, dramatic poses, unique visual narrative, scars, tattoos, blood, sweat, dramatic angles, lens flare, sun shafts, dust in the air, subdued professional lighting, sunrise,  Uhura
Prompt: Film noir version of Star Trek: Strange New World, Celia Rose Gooding is Kenyan Ensign Nyota Uhura, gritty post-apocalyptic wasteland, dusty and desolate environment, high quality, detailed textures, realistic, post-apocalyptic, derelict futuristic spacecraft,  emotional storytelling, intense lighting and shadows, muted earthy tones, rusty futuristic mining equipment, liminal spaces, dramatic angles,  Denis Villeneuve-inspired, detailed facial expressions, dust and debris in the air, lens flare, emotional connection, IMAX 70mm film, Voigtlander Super Wide-Heliar 15/4.5 lens,
Prompt: Film noir version of Star Trek: Strange New World, Celia Rose Gooding is Kenyan Ensign Nyota Uhura, gritty post-apocalyptic wasteland, dusty and desolate environment, high quality, detailed textures, realistic, post-apocalyptic, derelict futuristic spacecraft,  emotional storytelling, intense lighting and shadows, muted earthy tones, rusty futuristic mining equipment, liminal spaces, dramatic angles,  Denis Villeneuve-inspired, detailed facial expressions, dust and debris in the air, lens flare, emotional connection, IMAX 70mm film, Voigtlander Super Wide-Heliar 15/4.5 lens,
Prompt: Film noir version of Star Trek, Captain James T. Kirk, Spock, Commander Montgomery Scott, Lieutenant  Uhura, Dr. McCoy, Nurse Christine Chapel,
Realistic digital painting of a drifter, gritty post-apocalyptic wasteland, dusty and desolate environment,  high quality, detailed textures, realistic, post-apocalyptic, emotional storytelling, intense lighting and shadows, muted earthy tones, Denis Villeneuve-inspired, detailed facial expressions, dust and debris in the air, emotional connection, IMAX 70mm film, Zeiss ZM T* Biogon 21/2.8 lens