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a painting of a dinosaur in a jungle, prehistoric, inspired by Max Liebermann, oil on canvas, dynamic perspective and angle, featured on artstation, graham ingels, connectedness, sold at an auction, thin strokes, inspired by Gustaf Tenggren, fantasy art, detail shot, impressionist oil painting, masterpiece contrite conundrum, map patreon, fantasy comics, crayons, seurat, very grainy, warping shapes, swirl paint strokes, oil on canvas, pointillism, a detailed painting, inspired by Georges Seurat, digital art, 7 0 mm. digital art, in oil, in the style of hans thoma, atmospheric, blur, old
a painting of a dinosaur in a jungle, prehistor... [more]
Model: Stable Diffusion (v1.5)
Width: 768Height: 768
Scale: 10Steps: 80
Sampler: Euler ASeed: 404363969

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