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Prompt: Gorgeous ultra-muscular 25-year-old Norwegian goddess bodybuilder with huge busom and short stylish pink hair wearing a grey short wrap-dress, dark eye shadow, dark red lipstick, and 8 inch stiletto high heel shoes posing provocatively for a picture in a room with a stained glass window and an elegant curtain behind her, Evelyn Abelson, photorealism, ultra realistic digital art, a photorealistic painting
Prompt: Fantasy illustration of the Bruderschaft des Phönix, magical and mystical, ancient and enchanted, vibrant and detailed, high quality, fantasy, vibrant colors, mystical lighting, detailed characters, magical creatures, fantasy landscape, mystical runes, ancient architecture, mythical beings, fantasy style, enchanted forest, vibrant, ethereal ambiance, mythical creatures, ornate and intricate details, magical glow, otherworldly atmosphere
Prompt: a bathtub filled with a yellow iridescent liquid
Prompt: <mymodel>3D abstract glass face of a woman build from digital metallic shapes and cubes, high-tech, futuristic, detailed features, professional, digital style, futuristic lighting, face is covered with metallic shapes and cubes
Prompt: a image of a industrial storage with people working with safety
Prompt: condominios para familias de bajo recursos de 4 pisos en caraopungo quito ecuador varias fotos
Prompt: Brutal Chunks - Lot Of Puke
Prompt: Vibrant abstract digital artwork of flowers, dazzling colors, dynamic composition, high energy, modern digital art, vibrant, abstract, digital, high energy, dynamic composition, best quality, colorful, vivid tones, professional lighting
Prompt: snowy dawn
Prompt: 4k, high resolution, digital painting, realism, fantasy, RPG, school, psychotic smiling man, seen in profile, walking, 21, leaning against a school locker, opened yellow letterman’s jacket with longhorn cattle logo, black tee shirt under the letter jacket, black jeans with metal belt and big buckle, game style, detailed facial expression, atmospheric lighting
Prompt: The moon has a new moon
Prompt: a man sitting with piano sad
Prompt: <mymodel> female walking in the magical forest holding the ball of light in her hand and she is looking at us and she is surprised
Prompt: black mirror man bursting into flames from within
Prompt: DnD female goblin bard playing an instrument, magical musical notes streaming in the air, Anton Pieck style painting, vintage warm tones, intricate details, whimsical fantasy, medieval, high quality, oil painting, good hair, charming, enchanting, intricate details, cozy lighting, hooves
Prompt: 4k , high resolution , detailed features , digital painting , glamour photography , art photography , broken window ,sky, sands field , a woman is standing outside and there is a  abandoned small house behind her, beautiful and unique black curly hair , hazel eyes , middle eastern skin , white knot linen shirt , black undies , legs , low angle shot , close up , modeling pose
Prompt: Fantasy illustration of the Bruderschaft des Phönix, magical and mystical, ancient and enchanted, vibrant and detailed, high quality, fantasy, vibrant colors, mystical lighting, detailed characters, magical creatures, fantasy landscape, mystical runes, ancient architecture, mythical beings, fantasy style, enchanted forest, vibrant, ethereal ambiance, mythical creatures, ornate and intricate details, magical glow, otherworldly atmosphere
Prompt: Texas Rural shot of cows on a farm with weather coming in,  in the background and a cow flying with debree. Make it realistic add dark ominous clouds
Prompt: Gorgeous ultra-muscular 25-year-old Norwegian goddess bodybuilder with huge busom and ridiculously long straight shiny red hair wearing a short white wrap-dress, dark eye shadow, dark red lipstick, and 8 inch stiletto high heel shoes posing provocatively for a picture in a room with a stained glass window and an elegant curtain behind her, Evelyn Abelson, photorealism, ultra realistic digital art, a photorealistic painting
Prompt: valley with house next to a river
Prompt: fake moon landing illustrating a man in a spacesuit standing on what appears to be the moon that has a firmament. Also put a table to the side of the Astro naught, and on that table is a projector that is projecting an image of the moon onto the firmament. Also hide the word truth on the ground the astro naught is standing on, and make that ground look psychedelic.
Prompt: make a black and white logotype with exact text Lindells Snickeri & Design include a tree
Prompt: Epic 3D rendering of the Mahabharatha's Last Supper, Lord Krishna at the center, Ashwathama on one side, Judhisthir and Arjun on the other, regal and majestic, divine aura, rich gold and royal blue tones, intricate traditional clothing, detailed facial expressions, grand and ornate setting, high quality, 3D rendering, majestic, regal, divine aura, royal tones, detailed faces, ornate setting
Prompt: 4k , high resolution , detailed features , digital painting , glamour photography , art photography , broken window ,sky, a woman is standing outside  and there is a  abandoned small house behind her, beautiful and unique black curly hair , hazel eyes , middle eastern skin , white knot linen shirt , black shorts , legs , low angle shot , close up
Prompt: Attractive female bot, futuristic AI concept, high quality, movie poster, detailed metallic features, sleek design, futuristic cityscape, vibrant neon lights, intense and ominous aesthetic, metallic sheen, high-tech, cyberpunk, sci-fi, female robot, futuristic AI, detailed robotic features, professional lighting, neon colors, intense gaze, highres, ultra-detailed, movie poster, dystopian future
Prompt: shimmering glow
vast resplendent realm
Steampunk city heart
Vampire ageless daemon
Youth, four millennia old
Graces streets with charm
Behold Ryku’s grace
Oversized shoes bat-like form
Playful air he brings
Hand of claws he lifts
Voice of velvet ancient tone
Denizens astir
In open arms joyous folk
Traveler from past realms speaks
Marvels to behold
Audience beguiled
Tales of lore and wonder shared
Modern wonders blend
Through gears steam and streets
Wisdom wit and charm unite
Ryku dances on
Prompt: black mirror man bursting into flames from within
Prompt: do not modify anything in the image, only improve the pixel quality and caricatures the following image of a laboratory equipment
Prompt:  Desert area a 6 feet long pit and a  and  spade is in the center  and near pit black car  is standing
Prompt: A captivating conceptual photograph showcases a dark fantasy goddess of the dragon, exuding an aura of power and command.  Her fiery orange hair cascades down her shoulders, complemented by intricate patterns of fire adorning her skin. A magnificent wave of flame engulfs her body, accentuating her majestic presence. The goddess dons a dark, elegant lace gown and a unique pendant necklace, 
contrasting her fiery appearance. Her body is adored by Celtic tattoos. Her intense, powerful gaze seems to hold the very power of the wind, as her eyes pierce through the misty landscape. 
The sinister, otherworldly atmosphere is enhanced by the misty background, dominated by an active wind of the sky. This enchanting blend of fantasy, 
conceptual art, and striking photography creates a mesmerizing and unforgettable scene., conceptual art, photo, dark fantasy
Prompt: Create a logo that will be used to laser engrave on a canoe paddle.

The logo should have no text. The logo should show a man and woman canoeing with a wilderness theme.
Prompt: Warframe Yareli swimming, underwater scenery, detailed water effects, high definition, realistic, vibrant color palette, futuristic, sleek design, dynamic pose, oceanic environment, immersive lighting, sci-fi, aquatic theme, highres, ultra-detailed, action-packed, energetic movement
Prompt: Beautiful blonde homemaker female from Louisiana. 40-45 years old. Upperclass. Displaying vegetables from a garden on a rustic wooden table. Wearing a fitted light blue and white striped collared shirt
Prompt: cinematic, hyperrealistic, images, Sharp 8k, analog, instagram, photoshoot, sharp details, cinematic. Woman running from behind. She has light brown, shoulder-length hair. The scene is located on a country road in summer. She is wearing a long dress. Lots of colors and wildflowers. Very realistic and detailed.
Prompt: 4k , high resolution , detailed features ,achromatic colors ,red white and black color shot ,  digital painting , glamour photography , art photography ,sky, red bicycle ,sand field , a woman is leaning against the wall in modeling pose  and there is a  abandoned small house near to the woman , beautiful and unique black curly hair , hazel eyes , middle eastern skin , white knot linen shirt , black undies , legs , low angle shot , close up ,
Prompt: shimmering glow
vast resplendent realm
Steampunk city heart
Vampire ageless daemon
Youth, four millennia old
Graces streets with charm
Behold Ryku’s grace
Oversized shoes bat-like form
Playful air he brings
Hand of claws he lifts
Voice of velvet ancient tone
Denizens astir
In open arms joyous folk
Traveler from past realms speaks
Marvels to behold
Audience beguiled
Tales of lore and wonder shared
Modern wonders blend
Through gears steam and streets
Wisdom wit and charm unite
Ryku dances on