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Haritha D

Haritha D

Made by: Creative variations
Similarity: Similar
Style: Default
Width: 768
Height: 576
Seed: 1575156776
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Prompt: <mymodel>extremely ultra hyperrealistic, high texture high detail psychedelic hallucination created entirely out of Gemstone, gemstones, crystals, crystal, psychedelic, texture, geometric shapes, mandala made out of gemstones gemstone textures minerals mineral texture banding crystals crystal clusters formations
Prompt: Extremely hyperrealistic, ultra textural weird surreal odd unsettling beautiful trippy absurd psychedelic lichen monster creature/entity, multiple rows of human teeth, lots of crazy psychedelic multicolored compound human eyes, face, head, body, limbs, white, translucent, vivid bright psychedelic colors, oil slick rainbow sheen effect, lots of light, Gyroid Structures, Moire Patterns, bilateral symmetry, lichens:
Lichens, thallus, cortex, medulla, rhizines, soredia, isidia, apothecia, perithecia, pycnidia, phycobiont, mycobiont, symbiosis, foliose, fruticose, crustose, squamulose, leprose, gelatinous, lobes, lobules, pseudocyphellae, cephalodia, algal layer, fungal hyphae, ascocarps, ascospores, conidia, lichenized fungi, photobiont, cyanobiont, algal partner, fungal partner, symbiotic relationship, reproductive structures, vegetative propagation, lichenicolous fungi, lichenometry, stratified thallus, unstratified thallus, podetia, pseudopodetia, soralia, marginal lobes, central axis, branching patterns, color variations, growth forms, substrate attachment, bioindicators, ecological succession.