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Greenie Bug

Greenie Bug


Oil painting, dnd fiverr, landscape, UHD, 8K, highly detailed, panned out view of the character, visible full body, a hyperdetailed mage girl, hyperdetailed long purple hair, masterpiece, hyperdetailed full body, hyperdetailed feminine attractive face and nose, complete body view, ((hyperdetailed eyes)), perfect body, perfect anatomy, beautifully detailed face, alluring smile, ((fantasy_gown1.3)), small chest
Oil painting, dnd fiverr, landscape, UHD, 8K, h... [more]

Negative prompt

(((deformed))), blurry, bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutation, mutated, (extra_limb), (ugly), (poorly drawn hands), fused fingers, messy drawing, broken legs (mutated hands and fingers:1.5), (long body :1.3), (mutation, poorly drawn :1.2), black-white, bad anatomy, liquid body, liquid tongue, disfigured, malformed, mutated, anatomical nonsense, text font ui, error, malformed hands, long neck, blurred, lowers, low res, bad anatomy, bad proportions, bad shadow, uncoordinated body, unnatural body, bad hands, fused hand, missing hand, disappearing arms, disappearing thigh, disappearing calf, disappearing legs, fused ears, bad ears, poorly drawn ears, extra ears, liquid ears, heavy ears, missing ears, deformed, ugly, mutilated, disfigured, text, extra limbs, face cut, head cut, extra fingers, extra arms, poorly drawn face, mutation, bad proportions, cropped head, malformed limbs, mutated hands, fused fingers, long neck
(((deformed))), blurry, bad anatomy, disfigured... [more]
Model: Lykon/DreamShaper
Width: 576Height: 768
Scale: 9Steps: 50
Sampler: Euler ASeed: 403751767

Original image

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