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Corina Andreea Chiriac

Corina Andreea Chiriac


oil painting, UHD, 8k, Very detailed, panned out view, whole character, beautiful Young adult, visible face, dark blue short Hair which is buzzed of at the right Side, she wears a black Tanktop, disgusted expression, green eyes, round face, simple background
oil painting, UHD, 8k, Very detailed, panned o... [more]

Negative prompt

deformed, mutilated, disfigured, human flesh tones, eyes. blurred eyes, blurred face, disfigured, remove text, disfigured face, warped face, extra limbs, face cut, head cut, extra fingers, extra arms, poorly drawn face, mutation, bad proportions, cropped head, malformed limbs, mutated hands, deformed hands, fused fingers, , illustration, painting, drawing, art, sketch, cropping of character, cropping of head cropping of arms, cropping of legs, cropping of character, disfigured hands , jpg photo, sketch drawing, cropping of legs, cropping of arms, cropping of feet, distorted weapons, warped weapons, no text,
deformed, mutilated, disfigured, human flesh to... [more]
Model: Lykon/DreamShaper
Width: 768Height: 576
Scale: 7Steps: 25
Sampler: DPM Solver++Seed: 271156420

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