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Death Seeker Thousand Years’ First Saint Number One Saint Under the Heaven One of the Three Major Sources of Pollution Ninth Heavenly Way Tyrant Sabre Song ONE

Death Seeker Thousand Years’ First Saint Number One Saint Under the Heaven One of the Three Major Sources of Pollution Ninth Heavenly Way Tyrant Sabre Song ONE


UHD, 164k, highly detailed face, panned out view, visible full body, anime VA-11 Hall-A cyberpunk strait-laced lady bartender, dimly lit neon bar, dark violet ponytail, ilya kuvshinov, mixing drinks, hyperdetailed large blonde hair, masterpiece, hyperdetailed full body, hyperdetailed feminine attractive face and nose, complete body view, ((hyperdetailed eyes)), perfect body, perfect anatomy, beautifully detailed face, alluring smile, small chest
UHD, 164k, highly detailed face, panned out vie... [more]

Negative prompt

deformed, mutilated, disfigured eyes. blurred eyes, blurred face, disfigured, remove text, disfigured face, warped face, extra limbs, face cut, head cut, extra fingers, extra arms, poorly drawn face, mutation, bad proportions, cropped head, malformed limbs, mutated hands, deformed hands, fused fingers, illustration, painting, drawing, art, sketch, cropping of character, cropping of arms, cropping of legs, cropping of character, disfigured hands, jpg photo, sketch drawing, cropping
deformed, mutilated, disfigured eyes. blurred e... [more]
Model: Lykon/DreamShaper
Width: 512Height: 512
Scale: 7Steps: 25
Sampler: DPM Solver++Seed: 866847958
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Prompt: UHD, 164k, highly detailed face, panned out view, visible full body, anime cyberpunk lady bartender, contemporary one-piece dress, dimly lit neon bar, dark violet ponytail, ilya kuvshinov, mixing drinks, hyperdetailed large blonde hair, masterpiece, hyperdetailed full body, hyperdetailed feminine attractive face and nose, complete body view, ((hyperdetailed eyes)), perfect body, perfect anatomy, beautifully detailed face, alluring smile
Prompt: UHD, 164k, highly detailed face, full body panned out view, anime cyberpunk lady bartender, vietnam ao dai, dimly lit neon bar, dark violet ponytail, ilya kuvshinov, mixing drinks, hyperdetailed large blonde hair, masterpiece, hyperdetailed full body, hyperdetailed feminine attractive face and nose, complete body view, ((hyperdetailed eyes)), perfect body, perfect anatomy, beautifully detailed face, alluring smile
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