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Elena Carballeira Rey

Elena Carballeira Rey

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Prompt: A richly exquisitely decorated tea cup and saucer with decorative ornaments with hot tea, surrounded by bouquets of pale pink peonies and other decorative elements.
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Prompt: whimsical pastel tea party. Picture a dainty table set with pastel teacups, saucers, and delectable treats. Incorporate elements like delicate flowers, lace, and vintage-inspired decorations
Prompt: Wonderland tea party
Prompt:  Descriptions: Charming teacups, delightful pastries, whimsical decorations, playful characters
Environment: Enchanting garden, cozy tea room, dainty table settings, blooming flowers
Mood/Feelings: Joyful, magical, nostalgic, carefree
Artistic Medium/Techniques: Still life photography, soft focus, shallow depth of field, vintage filters
Artists/Illustrators/Art Movements: Mary Blair, Beatrix Potter, Art Nouveau, Fairy tale illustrations
Camera Settings: DSLR camera, macro lens, natural lighting, medium aperture