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Detailde face, body portrait, ultra realistic,a Alien with the body of a humanoid alien, who has grayish-blue skin and a shiny texture, the skin has a web-like design, which extends from the forehead to the chin. The eyes are large and black without irises or vertical pupils. The nose is small and pointed, and the mouth is wide and thin, two holes on the sides of his head The body is slender and muscular, with a ribcage-like structure on the chest. The arms and legs are long and thin, with three fingers and three claws on each hand and foot.
Detailde face, body portrait, ultra realistic,a... [more]

Negative prompt

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Model: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-0.9
Width: 1024Height: 1024
Scale: 7Steps: 25
Sampler: Seed: 237713734
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