
Create your first image

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soft female, perfect face, beautiful girl, black hair, soft lighting, hopeful, british, Illustration, Concept art, Digital, Perfectly drawn, blue eyes, looking away, goth outfit, collar, tight clothes, cute
soft female, perfect face, beautiful girl, blac... [more]

Negative prompt

deformed, ugly, mutilated, disfigured, text, extra limbs, face cut, head cut, extra fingers, extra arms, poorly drawn face, mutation, bad proportions, cropped head, malformed limbs, mutated hands, fused fingers, long neck, strange colors, sketch, lacklustre, repetitive, cropped, lowres, old, deformed, childish, childrish, ugly, duplicate, morbid, out of frame, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, mutation, blurry, bad anatomy, bad proportions, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, mutated hands, bad composition, compressed, low quality, watermark, cropped, worst quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, asymmetrical eyes, split images, asian, neon, Deformations, child face, poorly drawn, not following prompt, static, messed up fingers, messed up arms, poorly detailed, fingers, asian, mature, older woman, neon, nude
deformed, ugly, mutilated, disfigured, text, ex... [more]
Model: Lykon/DreamShaper_7
Width: 768Height: 528
Scale: 2Steps: 75
Sampler: DPM Solver++Seed: 555139761

Original image

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Prompt: ((best quality)), ((masterpiece)), ((realistic)), (detailed) personification of death and decay, decaying hair, illustration, big eyes artstation, dynamic soft lighting, high-res, 4k, stylistic dim lights, 8k uhd, realistic, Nikon z9, raytracing, focus face, (sharpness:2. 0)
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