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Lindsey Jones

Lindsey Jones

Made by: Sketch to image
Style: 3D
Color Theme: Violet
Width: 768Height: 512
Seed: 1128631068

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Prompt: Zoe Maxwell is the SquirrelGirl, a Very Cute heroine with a pink-highlighted violet asymmetrical bob, and a  cybernetic squirrel-tailed high tech power-suit. She is a college communications major with girl-genius vibes, soft curves, and she wears a see-thru, violet haptic SquirrelGirl costume, complete with fully-prehensile squirrel tail--which acts as an array for virtual streaming and accessing the virtual-net--and a violet-furred squirrel-styled cowl and face mask, including AI-enhanced vision goggles, ear phones, and snout oxygen mask.

[young woman reclining semi-nude and prone inside a virtual communications chamber]