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a single mushroom! cloud! formed by an h - bomb explosion in the middle of tokyo, highly detailed, gulf war photography, from akira ( 1 9 8 8 ) style, popular on artstation, unreal engine, aerial photo, nvidia graphics,.
a single mushroom! cloud! formed by an h - bomb... [more]
Model: Stable Diffusion
Width: 1024Height: 512
Seed: 1895344646
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Prompt: a single mushroom cloud formed by an h - bomb explosion in the middle of tokyo, highly detailed, gulf war photography, from akira ( 1 9 8 8 ) style, popular on artstation, unreal engine, aerial photo, nvidia graphics,.
Prompt: nuclear explosion with nuclear mushroom in Red Square Kremlin, intricate, dark atmosphere, cinematic shot, extremely high detail, photo realistic, cinematic lighting, post processed, artstation, matte painting, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, elegant, fantasy
Prompt: a single! mushroom! cloud! formed by an h - bomb! explosion! in the middle of tokyo, highly detailed, gulf war photography, from akira ( 1 9 8 8 ) style, popular on artstation, unreal engine, aerial photo, nvidia graphics,.
Prompt: soft drawing of a photorealistic life-like nuclear explosion with a mushroom cloud and shockwaves with dust and fog in the city. Centered. Horror dystopia style. Highly detailed 8k. Intricate. Nikon d850 300mm. Award winning photography.
Prompt: hyper detailed mushroom! clouds! explosions formed by h - bombs! detonations in the middle of tokyo, raising between the buildings on fire, highly detailed, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, modern war photography, awarded photography, futuristic style, popular on artstation, unreal engine, drone shot, nvidia graphics,.
Prompt: beijing destroyed by nuclear explosion, ruins on fire, hyperdetailed, artstation, cgsociety, 8 k
Prompt: a dj monkey throwing a party for a crowd as nukes are detonated over manhattan, post apocalyptic, detailed, hyperrealism
Prompt: mushrooom cloud from a nuclear explosion in a burning city, skyscrapers and large buildings, seen from a hilltop with colorful flowers and grass in the foreground, highly detailed, cinematic, digital art, dramatic lightning, cgssociety, artstation hq, 8 k, hyperrealistic, oil painting by greg rutkowski, by artgerm, by wlop
Prompt: grim oil painting of a huge nuclear explosion with toxic waste, octane rendering, trending on artstation, thomas kinkade and james gurney