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portrait of teenage girl with white bangs, red irises, bangs, black and white hair, purple clothes, white bangs, bangs are different color from hair, intricate, elegant, glowing lights, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, art by wlop, mars ravelo and greg rutkowski
portrait of teenage girl with white bangs, red... [more]
Model: Stable Diffusion
Width: 512Height: 704
Seed: 2478419187
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Prompt: Purple hair, creative colouring Portrait of woman, fashion, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha
Prompt: portrait of a beautiful female face, pale, glass skin, long black hair, evil eyes. underwater photography, sharp focus, hyper realistic, dramatic lighing, gradient light red, 8 k
Prompt: impressive digital art portrait of a white and thin very attractive woman with light brown hair with purple tips, blue eyes, wearing a tight red low cut party dress, very attractive, facing camera,, super attractive, impressive, wow, artstation, glamour
Prompt: portrait of teenage girl with white bangs, red irises, bangs, black and white hair, purple clothes, white bangs, two color hair, black hair and white bangs, intricate, elegant, glowing lights, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, art by wlop, mars ravelo and greg rutkowski
Prompt: A potrait of dreambot, fine details. Night setting. Very anime style. Realistic shaded lighting poster by Ilya Kuvshinov katsuhiro, magali villeneuve, artgerm, Jeremy Lipkin and Michael Garmash, Rob Rey and Kentarõ Miura style, trending on art station
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Prompt: dreamy portrait of a female personification of death, ultra realistic, highly detailed, hd, sharp focus, cinematic lighting, mood lighting, realistic, photorealistic, vivid colors, painting, photograph, digital art, non blurry, sharp, artstation, concept art, smooth, illustration
Prompt: beautiful girl with purple hair, soft lighting, realistic wide angle, wonderful lips and eyes, white skin, sharp focus, 8 k high, 6 4 megapixel, insanely detailed, intricate, elegant, art by artgerm and wlop