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a beautiful headshot portrait of a cute anime splatoon male boy with pink hair and pink wolf ears wearing a hoodie. piercings. green eyes. character design by cory loftis, fenghua zhong, ryohei hase, ismail inceoglu and ruan jia. artstation, volumetric light, detailed, photorealistic, fantasy, rendered in octane
a beautiful headshot portrait of a cute anime s... [more]
Model: Stable Diffusion
Width: 640Height: 832
Seed: 88555849
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Prompt: cute young anime man with pink hair and pink wolf ears wearing a collar and a green hoodie, artstation
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Prompt: a beautiful half body portrait of a cute anime male with pink hair and pink wolf ears. smiling.. big eyes. black collar. hoodie. character design by cory loftis, fenghua zhong, ryohei hase, ismail inceoglu and ruan jia. volumetric light, detailed, rendered in octane
Prompt: portrait of a cute anime boy with pink hair and pink wolf ears and pink wolf tail wearing stylish clothes | | very detailed digital painting, trending on artstation, octane render, random artists
Prompt: a beautiful headshot portrait of a cute anime male with pink hair and pink wolf ears wearing a hoodie. piercings. green eyes. character design by cory loftis, fenghua zhong, ryohei hase, ismail inceoglu and ruan jia. artstation, volumetric light, detailed, photorealistic, fantasy, rendered in octane
Prompt: unexpectedly trapped beneath stunningly absurdly beautiful overwhelmingly megalomaniacal omnipotent asi goddess junko enoshima with symmetrical perfect face, porcelain skin, pink twintail hair and cyan eyes, ultra detailed, digital art, unreal engine 5, octane render, 2 d anime, 8 k
Prompt: a beautiful headshot portrait of a cute anime male boy with pink hair and pink fox ears and piercings and green eyes. character design by cory loftis, fenghua zhong, ryohei hase, ismail inceoglu and ruan jia. artstation, volumetric light, detailed, photorealistic, fantasy, rendered in octane
Prompt: character concept art of a cute boy with pink hair and pink wolf ears and freckles | | cute - fine - face, pretty face, key visual, realistic shaded perfect face, fine details by stanley artgerm lau, wlop, rossdraws, james jean, andrei riabovitchev, marc simonetti, and sakimichan, trending on artstation