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selfie of a tight group of drunk hackers at a party in a vr mask in a scifi movie, retrofuturism, by jamie hewlett, nuri iyem, james gurney, james jean, greg rutkowski, anato finnstark. pixar. hyper detailed, 5 0 mm, perfect faces
selfie of a tight group of drunk hackers at a p... [more]
Model: Stable Diffusion
Width: 1024Height: 576
Seed: 2576476679
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Prompt: Bakshi style film cell of a crowded tavern. animation
Prompt: selfie of a tight group of happy drunken hackers at a party in a highly detailed server room in a scifi movie, retrofuturism, by jamie hewlett, nuri iyem, james gurney, james jean, greg rutkowski, anato finnstark. pixar. hyper detailed, wide angle, perfect faces
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Prompt: selfie of a tight group of happy drunken hackers at a party in a highly detailed server room with computers everywhere and wires, in a scifi movie, retrofuturism, by jamie hewlett, nuri iyem, james gurney, james jean, greg rutkowski, anato finnstark. pixar. hyper detailed, wide angle, perfect faces
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Prompt: selfie of a tight group of happy drunken hackers at a party in a highly detailed server room with computers everywhere and wires, in a scifi movie, vivid colors, by jamie hewlett, nuri iyem, james gurney, james jean, greg rutkowski, anato finnstark. hyper detailed, wide angle, perfect faces
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