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oil portrait of singer - songwriter zachary bill dess, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, lighting, painting, artstation, smooth, illustration, art by greg rutowski and alphonse mucha
oil portrait of singer - songwriter zachary bil... [more]
Model: Stable Diffusion
Width: 512Height: 704
Seed: 327352619
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Prompt: Hipster instagram profile picture
Prompt: detailed cinematic wide shot of beautiful attractive young man pericing white suit light brown hair thick beard slim face symettrical face clean skin blue eyes black clothes, ultra realistic, in sea, spring light, painting by gaston bussiere, craig mullins, j. c. leyendecker
Prompt: sadie sink portrait of forest gog, male, clear face, masculine, upper body, muscular, fantasy, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, matte, sharp focus, illustration, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha
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Prompt: a portrait of a smiling man with ginger hair, by ross tran
Prompt: a floral man, self - portrait!!!!, beautiful photorealistic imagery, soft lighting, soft atmosphere, 4 k, 8 k, trending on artstation, cgsociety contest winner, illustrated by greg rutkowski and shot by jimmy nelson
Prompt: a portrait of an unhinged man with ginger hair, by ross tran