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highly detailed world war 3 illustration featuring hamsters at war, stephen bliss, unreal engine, fantasy art by greg rutkowski, loish, rhads, ferdinand knab, makoto shinkai and lois van baarle, ilya kuvshinov, rossdraws, tom bagshaw, global illumination, radiant light, detailed and intricate environment
highly detailed world war 3 illustration featur... [more]
Model: Stable Diffusion
Width: 512Height: 704
Seed: 1757551669
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Prompt: highly detailed world war 3 illustration in gta v, stephen bliss, unreal engine, fantasy art by greg rutkowski, loish, rhads, ferdinand knab, makoto shinkai and lois van baarle, ilya kuvshinov, rossdraws, tom bagshaw, global illumination, radiant light, detailed and intricate environment
Prompt: concept art, world war iii, battlefield scene, uav, fully armed soldier shooting, launching kinetic energy weapons, launching tracking missiles, armor piercing missiles, drag light bullets, backlight, future technology, smooth lines, high detail, 8 k, octane rendering, unreal engine.
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Prompt: concept art, world war iii, war scenes, super wide - angle, uav, soldiers'remote command, special forces'launching kinetic energy weapons, launching tracking missiles, armor piercing missiles, drag light bombs, backlight, cyberpunk, call of duty, future war, smooth lines, high detail, 8 k, octane rendering, unreal engine.
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Prompt: learning to love the bomb, by greg rutkowski
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