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character concept portrait, symmetrical head-on centralized, Mia Dearden, blond, black and violet costume. Detailed, high quality, dynamic lightning, fantasy. Artwork by Artgerm, WLOP, Alex Ross, Greg Rutknowski, Alphonse Mucha
character concept portrait, symmetrical head-on... [more]
Model: Stable Diffusion
Width: 512Height: 512
Seed: 1797338060
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Prompt: character concept portrait, head-on centralized, super-villain girl smirking, blond, small mask, black and violet costume. Detailed, high quality, dynamic lightning, fantasy. Artwork by Artgerm, WLOP, Alex Ross, Greg Rutknowski, Alphonse Mucha
Prompt: head-on centered symmetrical painted portrait, Elisha Cuthbert as a paladin, blonde hair, steel armour, dramatic lighting, intricate, fantasy, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, dramatic lighting, artstation, in the style of Artgerm and Anna Podedworna
Prompt: character concept portrait, symmetrical head-on centralized, Mia Dearden, mask, blond, black and violet costume. Detailed, high quality, dynamic lightning, fantasy. Artwork by Artgerm, WLOP, Alex Ross, Greg Rutknowski, Alphonse Mucha
Prompt: head-on centered symmetrical painted portrait, Sephiroth as an androgynous Mage, intricate fantasy robes, fantasy, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, dramatic lighting, artstation, in the style of Artgerm and Anna Podedworna and Alex Ross
Prompt: character concept portrait, symmetrical head-on centralized, Dinah Drake, mask, blond, black and violet costume. Detailed, high quality, dynamic lightning, fantasy. Artwork by Artgerm, WLOP, Alex Ross, Greg Rutknowski, Alphonse Mucha
Prompt: head-on symmetrical centered painted portrait, Sephiroth as elf ranger, blonde hair, leather armour, art nouveau, tarot card style, complex fractal tarot card background, fantasy, intricate, elegant, highly detailed, smooth, sharp focus, illustration, artstation, in the style of Artgerm and Anna Podedworna and Alex Ross and Mucha
Prompt: character concept portrait, symmetrical head - on centralized, dinah drake lopside smirk ( ( mask ) ), blond, black and purple costume. detailed, high quality, dynamic lighting, fantasy. artwork by artgerm, wlop, alex ross, greg rutknowski, alphonse mucha
Prompt: character concept portrait, head-on centralized, super-hero girl with a domino mask, blond, black and violet costume. Detailed, high quality, dynamic lightning, fantasy. Artwork by artgerm, WLOP, alex ross, greg rutknowski, Alphonse Mucha
Prompt: a gallent goddess with glowing purple third eye chakra and golden hair, geometric third eye triangle, sci - fi face, constellation geometry mandal background, breathtaking stars, elegant, highly detailed, digital painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, spiritual art, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha, psychedelic