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snoop dogg as a necromancer, short beard, grumpy, intricate plate armor, purple robes, Ivan Aivakovsky, Boris Vallejo, epic fantasy character art, D&D Concept Art, full length, Realistic, Regal, Refined, Detailed Digital Art, Oil Paining, Exquisite detail, post-processing, masterpiece, Cinematic Lighting, Unreal Engine, 8k, HD, Stanley Artgerm Lau, WLOP, Rossdraws, Frank Frazetta, Andrei Riabovitchev, Marc Simonetti, trending on artstation,
snoop dogg as a necromancer, short beard, grump... [more]
Model: Stable Diffusion
Width: 512Height: 704
Seed: 2357180848
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Prompt: Picture of a male Cleric, black skin, blue short hair, short beard, dragon-inspired cloth robes, gold and blue, ornamental, hammer, wings, background depicting a temple, fantasy, dnd, d&d, sharp focus, smooth, illustration, matte painting, highly detailed, by akihiko yoshida, james jean andrei riabovitchev marc _ simonetti, yoshitaka amano, artstation, cgsociety
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Prompt: Picture of a male Cleric, black skin, blue short hair, short beard, dragon-inspired cloth robes, gold and blue, ornamental, hammer, wings, background depicting a temple, fantasy, dnd, d&d, illustration, digital painting, by akihiko yoshida, james jean andrei riabovitchev marc _ simonetti, yoshitaka amano, artstation
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