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close up portrait of an japanese gyaru with beautiful face and modern clothes, sakura blooming in the background, bokeh, depth of field, dramatic lighting, cinematic, vivid colors, matte painting, vivid color scheme, trending on artstation, unreal engine
close up portrait of an japanese gyaru with bea... [more]
Model: Stable Diffusion
Width: 640Height: 512
Seed: 1583752065
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Prompt: 3d realistic dramatic infrared portrait photo in the style of dark anime anime schoolgirl with a realistic face falling down from huge japanese skyscraper at night. There are pink palm trees and translucent glow jellyfish around. Volumetric composition. Pastel colors in the style of Hiro Kiyohara, redshift, octane, trend artstation, cinematic, hyper realism, high detail, 8k, 3d, polaroid
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Prompt: render as a very beautiful 3 d anime girl, long braided purple violet hair, hazel eyes, full round face, short smile, cinematic lightning, medium shot, mid - shot, highly detailed, trending on artstation, unreal engine 4 k, cinematic wallpaper