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sunken city of Atlantis, broken stone, home of mermaids, Elvish architecture, Grecian, greek islands, detailed, Art Nouveau, Rivendell, fantasy, detailed, concept art
sunken city of Atlantis, broken stone, home of... [more]
Model: Midjourney
Width: 2048Height: 2048
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Prompt: the lost city of atlantis
Prompt: fantasy adventure
Prompt: the lost sunken city of Atlantis, Rivendell, broken stone, home of the mermaids, hayao miyazaki , Elvish architecture, Grecian, greek islands, detailed, Art Nouveau, fantasy , highly-detailed, anime, atmospheric, concept art, 8k, artstation
Prompt: sunken city of Atlantis, broken stone, mermaids, Elvish, greek, detailed, Art Nouveau, Rivendell, fantasy, detailed, concept art,
Prompt: atlantis city, underwater, egyptian, hyper realistic, Photojournalism, Wide Angle, Perspective, Double-Exposure, Light, Tones of Black in Background, Ultra-HD, Super-Resolution, Massive Scale, Perfectionism, Soft Lighting, Ray Tracing Global Illumination, Translucidluminescence, Crystalline, Lumen Reflections, in a symbolic and meaningful style, symmetrical
Prompt: Ethereal photograph of the lost city of atlantis, hyperrealistic, ultrarealism, insane details, beautifully lit, bokeh, 8k
Prompt: epic fantasy landscape, complementary colors, in the style of Avatar film, reallistic foreground with a lot of cyan blueish flagstones, a lot of blueish slabs, epic wide shot,multiple mossy damaged stairs ,cinematic lighting, fantasy forest, blue cyan rocks and pink runes exotic vegetation,magical little bridge in the middle of the frame in focus, mystic exotic forest jungle civilization, lot of exotic plants, Central Park, New York , 8k ,hyper-detailed render, environment,blue fog soft light, technicolor, orangish volumetric lighting, high resolution, photorealistic, photo, realism, sharp photography, a photograph of, maximum detail, sharp focus, Intricate details, highly realistic,soft light, photography, hyper detailed, photo, 18mm lens, Sony Alpha α7,cinematic lighting, high contrast, 8k, photo realistic, long exposure
Prompt: atlantis city, underwater, egyptian, hyper realistic, Photojournalism, Wide Angle, Perspective, Double-Exposure, Light, Tones of Black in Background, Ultra-HD, Super-Resolution, Massive Scale, Perfectionism, Soft Lighting, Ray Tracing Global Illumination, Translucidluminescence, Crystalline, Lumen Reflections, in a symbolic and meaningful style, symmetrical
Prompt: sunken city of Atlantis, broken stone, home of mermaids, Elvish architecture, Grecian, greek islands, detailed, Art Nouveau, Rivendell, fantasy, detailed, concept art