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character design, american adventurer portrait 1920, concept art, pen and ink, intricate line drawings, by John Harris, Emil Melmoth, Craig Mullins, yoji shinkawa, artstation, moebius comic, Marc Simonetti, lan McQue, Kentaro, Miura, hyper detailed, cinematic
character design, american adventurer portrait... [more]
Model: Midjourney
Width: 2048Height: 2048
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Prompt: character design, american adventurer portrait 1920, concept art, pen and ink, intricate line drawings, by John Harris, Emil Melmoth, Craig Mullins, yoji shinkawa, artstation, moebius comic, Marc Simonetti, lan McQue, Kentaro, Miura, hyper detailed, cinematic
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Prompt: character design, american adventurer portrait 1920, concept art, pen and ink, intricate line drawings, by John Harris, Emil Melmoth, Craig Mullins, yoji shinkawa, artstation, moebius comic, Marc Simonetti, lan McQue, Kentaro, Miura, hyper detailed, cinematic
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