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mechanical female android, exposed parts, intricate metal facial patterns, prosthetic, surprised expression, Ambrotype, damaged chest plate
mechanical female android, exposed parts, intri... [more]
Model: Midjourney
Width: 2048Height: 2048
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Prompt: mechanical female android, exposed parts, intricate metal facial patterns, prosthetic, Ambrotype
Prompt: A hyper realistic full body shot of a beautiful female humanoid robot with intricate details, piercings and facial tatoos in a alien language. Prominent female features, elegant, perfect body, symetric, dynamic pose. Dramatic light from above, mystic setting, apocalyptic feel, post punk, cyber space, cyber punk, robotic, futuristic. Contax planar 80/2 + Pentax 645, rim lights, digital art, hdr, intricate, cinematic post process, volumetric, cinematic lighting, particle fx, photorealistic bokeh, Unreal Engine 5, realistic CGI, 32k
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Prompt: A hyper realistic full body shot of a beautiful female humanoid robot with intricate details, piercings and facial tatoos in a alien language in the style of Ex Machina. Human face, robot body. Prominent female features, elegant, perfect body, symetric, dynamic pose. Dramatic light from above, mystic setting, apocalyptic feel, post punk, cyber space, cyber punk, robotic, futuristic. Contax planar 80/2 + Pentax 645, rim lights, digital art, hdr, intricate, cinematic post process, volumetric, cinematic lighting, particle fx, photorealistic bokeh, Unreal Engine 5, realistic CGI, 32k,