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portrait of a marie laveaux voodoo queen, hyper-realistic, ultra-detailed, high end finish, super HD, 8K post-postproduction, cinematic light, dramatic light, photorealistic
portrait of a marie laveaux voodoo queen, hyper... [more]
Model: Midjourney
Width: 2048Height: 2048
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Prompt: portrait of a marie laveaux voodoo queen, hyper-realistic, ultra-detailed, high end finish, super HD, 8K post-postproduction, cinematic light, dramatic light, photorealistic
Prompt: portrait of a marie laveaux voodoo queen, hyper-realistic, ultra-detailed, high end finish, super HD, 8K post-postproduction, cinematic light, dramatic light, photorealistic
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Prompt: African princess, portrait, golden jewelry, golden make-up, photorealistic, hyper detailed, octane render
Prompt: African princess, portrait, golden jewelry, golden make-up, photorealistic, hyper detailed, octane render
Prompt: portrait of a marie laveaux voodoo queen, hyper-realistic, ultra-detailed, high end finish, super HD, 8K post-postproduction, cinematic light, dramatic light, photorealistic
Prompt: portrait of a marie laveaux voodoo queen, hyper-realistic, ultra-detailed, high end finish, super HD, 8K post-postproduction, cinematic light, dramatic light, photorealistic