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Prompt: a childish drawing in marker of a black and white panda with a very round shape sitting on its bum its hind legs are sticking out to the side and its arms on its belly it has big anime eyes and a tiny nose and smile. it has a unicorn horn with sparkles colored in blue, yellow and pink stripes. the panda also has fluffy pink stylized angel wings on its back, visible on either side.
Prompt: An astronaut visiting Saturn riding a unicorn
Prompt: 3-D render of nightmare George Washington walking an opossum on a leash on a rainbow
Prompt: cat in a cowboy outfit riding a shark who is puking rainbows
Prompt: Pug with a unicorn horn and wings playing ukulele and singing, digital art
Prompt: A rainbow in a girl’s long hair, eating a taco, cheese dripping from her chin with her beagle jumping up to her knee
Prompt: rat astronaut holding the moon, digital art
Prompt: A unicorn puking a rainbow, fantasy art
Prompt: A futuristic rainbow unicorn  wearing a tutu and dancing on the moon