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Prompt: In a realm where beauty meets power, fashion a superwoman of unparalleled allure and authority. She is not merely a hero but an icon, radiating elegance and strength in every stride. Imagine her with a figure so captivating it leaves all who gaze upon her in awe. Let her possess not just conventional abilities, but powers that transcend the ordinary, elevating her to the status of legend.

Delve into the depths of creativity to define her new superpowers, ones that resonate with her commanding presence and grace. Perhaps she wields control over the elements, bending wind and water to her will with a flick of her wrist. Or envision her as a mistress of time, effortlessly manipulating its flow to outmaneuver her foes and protect those in need.

As you sculpt her character, remember that her allure goes beyond physical beauty. She commands respect and admiration with her intellect, charisma, and unwavering sense of justice. Explore the facets of her personality that make her a leader among heroes, inspiring others to greatness through her words and actions.

In crafting this superwoman, embrace the fantastical and the extraordinary. Let her embody the essence of elegance and authority, standing as a beacon of hope and strength in a world that craves her guidance.
Prompt: Gorgeous ultra-muscular 25-year-old Israeli drag queen bodybuilder with huge busom and long flowing black hair, dressed as Wonder Woman (DC Comics Character), standing on the ledge of a building at night.
Prompt: Gorgeous ultra-muscular 25-year-old Israeli drag queen bodybuilder with extremely large busom and long flowing black hair, dressed as Wonder Woman (DC Comics Character), standing on the ledge of a building at night.
Prompt: Gorgeous ultra-muscular 25-year-old Israeli drag queen bodybuilder with huge busom and long flowing black hair, dressed as Wonder Woman (DC Comics Character), standing on the ledge of a building at night.
Prompt: Gorgeous ultra-muscular 25-year-old Israeli drag queen bodybuilder with huge busom and long flowing black hair, dressed as Wonder Woman (DC Comics Character), standing on the ledge of a building at night.
Prompt: Gorgeous ultra-muscular 25-year-old Israeli drag queen bodybuilder with huge busom and long flowing black hair, dressed as Wonder Woman (DC Comics Character), standing on the ledge of a building at night.
Prompt: Photorealistic image of Wonder Woman, sitting on top of the Earth in the vastness of space, high quality, detailed facial features, photorealism, superhero, iconic pose, detailed Earth, realistic space background, cosmic colors, Earth's atmosphere, shining stars, realistic lighting, professional, detailed costume, photorealistic style, vibrant and deep colors, professional lighting