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Model: Midjourney


entering the dmt realm
Width: 1024
Height: 1024

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Prompt: <mymodel>Psychonauticore image with hallucinatory visuals, vibrant colors, psychedelic atmosphere, surreal third eye, trippy patterns, mind-bending, detailed psychedelic art, highres, vibrant colors, surreal, detailed trippy visuals, hallucinogenic, mind-bending, third eye, psychedelic atmosphere, colorful, professional, atmospheric lighting
Prompt: Extreme psychedelic hyperrealism- Super high definition ultra textural multidimensional nonhumanoid crystal silicon noneuclidean geometric entity with crazy psychedelic bizarre eyes watching, looking, observing, psychedelic hallucination surrealism, psychedelic alien nonEuclidean geometry creature, multidimensional, detailed, highres, intense colors, eerie lighting, bizarre features, unsettling atmosphere, otherworldly, distorted proportions, mind-bending, dreamlike, abstract,, extremely textural high detailed psychedelic and metallic textures
Prompt: <mymodel>hyper-detailed, hyperrealistic digital painting of a fantastical eye. The eye is surrounded by vibrant, organic shapes that resemble various natural forms such as coral, fungi, and other sea-life textures. The composition is rich with intricate patterns and a multitude of colors including yellows, purples, blues, and pinks, all adding to a psychedelic and otherworldly feel. The pupil is dilated and the iris has a fiery, golden texture, with the surrounding area melting in a surreal manner, dripping with vivid colors that blend seamlessly into each other, creating a sense of movement and fluidity."
Prompt: in the style of Google's DeepDream. Utilize techniques such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and layer visualization to enhance and amplify patterns within the image. The resulting artwork should have a surreal, psychedelic appearance with intricate, dreamlike details. Emphasize features like eyes, faces, and fractal patterns. The colors should be vibrant and saturated, with a hallucinogenic, kaleidoscopic feel. Incorporate elements of pareidolia, where the AI recognizes and exaggerates familiar shapes and objects within the abstract patterns. The overall effect should be reminiscent of a digital LSD trip, with a mesmerizing, otherworldly aesthetic."


- DeepDream
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
- Layer Visualization
- Pattern Enhancement
- Surreal
- Psychedelic
- Intricate Details
- Dreamlike
- Eyes
- Faces
- Fractal Patterns
- Vibrant Colors
- Saturated Colors
- Hallucinogenic
- Kaleidoscopic
- Pareidolia
- Digital LSD Trip
- Otherworldly Aesthetic