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Mother Dragon Wings Spread, Watching over Eggs, A stone spire looking like a hand coming out of t...Show more
Made by: Sketch to image
Subject Description: Mother Dragon Wings Spread, Watching over Eggs, A stone spire looking like a hand coming out of the ground holding a sword in for ground, Eggs in immediate foreground with a Knight in armor hiding amongst the Eggs, Background is lightly forested
Style: Default
Color Theme: White
Width: 512
Height: 576
Seed: 785314445
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Refined visage glows,  
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Eyes of fire and depth.
**Alpha's Radiance:**
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Ethereal reign.
**Games of the Mind:**
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Mind and muscle test.
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Guardians, tricksters alike,  
Ethereal jest.
**Muscles of Fable:**
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Blue and coffee hues.
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