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Nicholas Marazoff

Nicholas Marazoff

Made by: Ultimate Upscale
Mode: Creative Upscale
Width: 3808
Height: 2144
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Prompt: Mechanical wraith
Gears and chains rattle softly
In steam's warm embrace
Victorian brew
Carafes hiss with vintage grace
Pipes hum in silence
Skeletal barista
Pouring fate in metal cups
Ghosts of time converge
Gilded brass and steam
Holograms in swirling light
Past and future blend
Corsets and top hats
Sip coffee with electric eyes
Time's threads intertwine
In shadowed corners
Gears turn in skeletal hands
Steam and specters dance
Hissing pistons breathe
Amid coffee's fragrant cloud
History reborn
Ghost in metal skin
Serves time in a cup of steam
Eternal machine
**Beneath brass and bone
Futuristic shadows stir
In a cup's deep well
Cogs and corsets spin
In a shop where past meets now
Clockwork hearts take flight
Prompt: Anthropomorphic
Creatures technological
Steampunkesque, sentient 

**Ferret’s eyes luminesce,**
**Cloaked infiltrator in mist,**
**Secrets keenly seized.**
**With gaze sharp, paths precarious,**
**Survival inscribed.**
**Bear, colossal bulk,**
**Guardian of iron might,**
**Twilight strength ensconced.**
**Rabbit’s paws alight,**
**Mechanist of subtle steel,**
**Steam wrought in silence.**
**Ferret’s glint returns,**
**In the shadows, whispers grasped,**
**Secrets deftly claimed.**
**Deer serene of soul,**
**Healer of fractured spirits,**
**Spells of peace take root.**
**Venerated owl,**
**Opulent wisdom perched high,**
**Machination stirs.**
**Raccoon with deft hands,**
**Copper contraptions aloft,**
**Ingenious designs.**
**Eldritch bistro's hum,**
**Ethereal fog within,**
**Dark fates intertwine.**
**Gears in silent waltz,**
**Antiquated light hums soft,**
**Luciferin gleams.**
Prompt: (still life portrait), (psychedelic art style), (vibrant color scheme), a whimsical magician jack-in-the-box man, surrounded by enchanting teapots and magical items, captivating tea party scene, objects coming to life, an open book with mystical symbols, surreal and dreamlike atmosphere, vivid hues and intricate patterns, high-quality detail, a splash of imagination and wonder.
Prompt: Anthropomorphic,  
Vulpine apparitions glide,  
Luciferin flare.
Steampunkesque mechanical,  
Esoteric pistons churn,  
Bronze cogs in reverie.
Gossamer filigree,  
Phantasmagoric dusk,  
Blunderbuss flash bright.
Translucent embers,  
Nocturnal ballet unfolds,  
Spectral waltz in breath.
Eschatological dreams,  
Guardians of night.
Arcane luminance,  
Ocular apparatus,  
Surveils shadowed realm.
Phantasmal conjure,  
Vulpine phantoms dance in air,  
Cogworks articulate.
Prompt: Intricately forged,
Brass cogs and gears interlace,
Steam breathes life to cups.
Anthropoid undead,
Victorian candelabras,
Espresso’s dark kiss.
Calamitous dusk,
Baristas animate gears,
Clockwork hearts do stir.
Perpetual brew,
Tomes of eldritch foamed latte,
Timeless vigor sips.
Automaton grace,
Zombies' cogitated brews,
In darkness, steam spins.
Machinations percolate,
Forever persists.
Colors pierce the night
Prompt: Anthropomorphic
Biomechanical form
Sentient feline
Steampunkesque advanced
Technological blasters
Blunderbuss flash
Kata Motions pure
Nocturnal descent
Into umbriferous depths
Elderly Tabby,
In tenebrous halls he treads,
Blunderbuss aglow.
Luciferin glints,
Brass etchings of eldritch might,
Spectacles agleam.
Ancient wisdom burns,
Feline gaze, resolute, stern,
Gadgets hum with power.
Victorian dusk,
Rows of gleaming arcane arms,
Gaslight warms the brass.
Steampunk reverie,
Magic twines with clockwork gears,
Mystical embrace.