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Keith Bell

Keith Bell


Chocolate lab astronaut floating in space, realistic digital rendering, astronaut suit details, cosmic background, high quality, realistic, detailed fur texture, space, astronaut, realistic, cosmic background, digital rendering, chocolate lab, floating, detailed astronaut suit, high quality, realistic, detailed fur texture, space, astronaut, cosmic background
Chocolate lab astronaut floating in space, real... [more]
Model: OpenArt SDXL
Width: 1024Height: 1024
Scale: 7Steps: 25
Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE KarrasSeed: 159680841
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Prompt: Chocolate lab astronaut floating in space, realistic digital rendering, astronaut suit details, cosmic background, high quality, realistic, detailed fur texture, space, astronaut, realistic, cosmic background, digital rendering, chocolate lab, floating, detailed astronaut suit, high quality, realistic, detailed fur texture, space, astronaut, cosmic background
Prompt: Chocolate lab astronaut floating in space, realistic digital rendering, astronaut suit details, cosmic background, high quality, realistic, detailed fur texture, space, astronaut, realistic, cosmic background, digital rendering, chocolate lab, floating, detailed astronaut suit, high quality, realistic, detailed fur texture, space, astronaut, cosmic background
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