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Emmanuel Segun

Emmanuel Segun


The scene is a tidy and well-organized work table. The table surface is made of light-colored wood with a smooth finish. On the table, there are several different templates of resumes spread out neatly, showcasing various layouts and designs.
The scene is a tidy and well-organized work table. The table surface is made of light-colored woo... [more]
Model: OpenArt SDXL
Width: 1024Height: 1024
Scale: 7Steps: 25
Sampler: Seed: 2124319518

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Prompt: a wide industrial furnished office space, with white furnishings, grey desk tops, black and white art and warm rough sawn timber floors, high quality, unreal engine
Prompt: university admission form and a hand holding a pen
Prompt: In the midst of their content creation journey, the creator finds solace in a minimalist beige editorial workspace. The room exudes elegance with its carefully curated design and high-resolution details. A sleek marble table stands at the center, its smooth surface reflecting the soft glow of ambient lighting.

Surrounded by clean lines and muted tones, the workspace inspires focus and creativity. Minimalist decor accents the room, adding character without clutter. The beige color palette creates a sense of warmth and tranquility, inviting the creator to immerse themselves fully in their craft.

With every detail meticulously chosen, from the placement of the tools to the arrangement of the space, the workspace becomes a sanctuary for editorial pursuits. Here, amidst the raw beauty of simplicity, the creator embarks on their mid-journey with clarity and purpose.
Prompt: teamwork photo from an internal meeting
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Prompt: interior office desk
Prompt: A serene desk setup with a laptop, a cup of coffee, a potted plant, and a notebook. In the background, a cozy living space is visible, with soft lighting and a comfortable chair, symbolizing the balance between work and relaxation.
Prompt: two person signing a contact with pens
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Prompt: Concepto Principal: DIDACTIA - Autoaprendizaje y Cursos en Línea

Objetivo: Crear una imagen que represente la esencia de DIDACTIA, destacando el autoaprendizaje, la flexibilidad y la accesibilidad de los cursos en línea.

Elementos Clave:

Aprendizaje Individualizado:

Una persona estudiando en su espacio personal, con una computadora o una tablet.
Elementos como libros, cuadernos y notas dispersos alrededor.
Tecnología y Conectividad:

Una pantalla mostrando una plataforma de cursos en línea.
Iconos de tecnología como wifi, nubes de almacenamiento, o redes sociales para destacar la conectividad.
Diversidad de Contenidos:

Imágenes o iconos representando diferentes áreas de estudio, como ciencias, arte, tecnología, idiomas, etc.
Representar visualmente que el conocimiento está a solo un clic de distancia.
Interacción y Comunidad:

Elementos que sugieren interacción, como chats, foros de discusión o videollamadas.
Personas colaborando en línea, creando una sensación de comunidad.
Progreso y Logro:

Símbolos de progreso como barras de carga, medallas, diplomas o certificados digitales.
Un calendario o una lista de tareas completadas, resaltando la organización y el logro de objetivos.
Estilo Visual:

Paleta de Colores: Utilizar tonos cálidos y acogedores como azules suaves, verdes y tonos neutros para crear un ambiente relajado y profesional.
Tipografía: Moderna y clara, que sea fácil de leer y transmita seriedad y profesionalismo.
Ilustraciones y Gráficos: Estilo plano (flat design) o semi-realista para mantener la imagen limpia y contemporánea.
Ambiente y Emoción:

Transmitir una sensación de empoderamiento y motivación.
Crear un ambiente de tranquilidad y concentración, sugiriendo que el aprendizaje es accesible y no estresante.

Foco principal en el estudiante interactuando con la tecnología.
Fondo con elementos sutiles que sugieran un entorno de estudio, como una estantería de libros, una planta, etc.
Prompt: communicative methods featured image
Prompt: A photo of woman work at the her office
Prompt: technical writing
Prompt: import openai
import textwrap

# Set up OpenAI API credentials
openai.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

# Define the text to generate the pen picture from
text = """
As the director of Waterloo Hospital in Garforth, which offers low secure, open, and locked rehabilitation services for patients with mental health conditions, I am acutely aware of the challenges we face in filling vacant beds and managing patient flow effectively. One of the primary issues we encounter is the lengthy process of obtaining approval from the Integrated Care Board (ICB) panel for patient admissions. This delay can significantly impact our ability to provide timely care and utilize our resources optimally.


By presenting a comprehensive pen picture that highlights the complexities of these challenges, we can foster a deeper understanding among decision-makers and stakeholders, paving the way for more effective solutions and improved patient outcomes.

# Define the prompt for GPT-3
prompt = f"Generate a pen picture based on the following text:\n\n{text}\n\nPen Picture:"

# Call the GPT-3 API to generate the pen picture
response = openai.Completion.create(

# Extract the generated pen picture from the response
pen_picture = response.choices[0].text.strip()

# Print the generated pen picture
print("Generated Pen Picture:")
print("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(pen_picture, width=80)))
Prompt: pen on desk with books
Prompt: a compact industrial furnished office space, with white furnishings and rough sawn timber floors, high quality, unreal engine
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Prompt: list of ideas on an office desk of TD bank
Prompt: (Scene: A student sitting at a desk with books and notes spread out. There's a cup of coffee next to them.)

Student: This time, I'm really going to study hard! I'm going to focus all day today!
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