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Prompt: Bosque de cedros y un árbol lo están talando dibuja el árbol con rostro triste
Prompt: Majestic oak tree in a mystical forest, oil painting, intricate and textured bark, vibrant autumn foliage, enchanting fairytale atmosphere, high detail, magical realism, warm and soft lighting, oil painting, mystical forest, vibrant autumn colors, textured bark, high detail, enchanting atmosphere, magical realism, warm lighting
Prompt: Generate a picture of a red tree that is taken from under the tree for a profile picture
Prompt: una pintura de un arbol 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐥𝐚 𝐅𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚. 𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐚 𝐋. Las Eras (Alcalá del Júcar).  El árbol debe ser muy verde, solamente debe haber pasto verde a su alrededor y flores de primavera en medio del desierto. como primer plano  hay mucha gente haciendo una procesión  a San Gregorio.El estilo debe ser movie poster
Prompt: a digital painting of a tree with yellow leaves in autumn in a field alone
Prompt: Generate a picture of a red tree that is taken from under the tree for a profile picture
Prompt: Profile of a walnut tree, cartoon style, bright colours
Prompt: Detailed, high-resolution image of a majestic tree with big, beautiful yellow blossoms. picture taken from above so blossom controls the picture. strong trunk not creepy.
 roots visible underground, warm natural lighting, realistic oil painting, earthy tones, intricate details, ultra high-res, vibrant colors, realistic style, detailed blossoms,
Prompt: Majestic oak tree in a mystical forest, oil painting, intricate and textured bark, vibrant autumn foliage, enchanting fairytale atmosphere, high detail, magical realism, warm and soft lighting, oil painting, mystical forest, vibrant autumn colors, textured bark, high detail, enchanting atmosphere, magical realism, warm lighting