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Illustration of a Cactus wearing a Sweater
Illustration of a Cactus wearing a Sweater [more]
Model: OpenArt SDXL
Width: 1024Height: 1024
Scale: 7Steps: 25
Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE KarrasSeed: 1169639694
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Prompt: A beautiful calavera in a vibrant desert landscape with pink cacti, painted in a whimsical style with exaggerated features, dreamlike, flowing, and layered, with intricate details in 8k resolution,precise lineart, vibrant, 8k resolution, minimalist illustration, concept art, realistic, artstation, vintage show promotional poster
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Prompt: A beautiful calavera in a vibrant desert landscape with pink cacti, painted in a whimsical style with exaggerated features, dreamlike, flowing, and layered, with intricate details in 8k resolution,precise lineart, vibrant, 8k resolution, minimalist illustration, concept art, realistic, artstation, vintage show promotional poster
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