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glenn brooks

glenn brooks

Model: OpenArt SDXL


Flowchart of the Charcoal Production Process
Width: 1024
Height: 1024
Scale: 7
Steps: 25
Seed: 712422122
Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE Karras

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Prompt: Generate a classic heirarchical organizational chart for Assure Infusions. The chart is only 2 levels of hierarchy. At the top of the chart is a rectangle for the Board of Directors. Below the board are 3 corporate officers: CFO, COO and CGO. All 3 report to the board as shown by solid lines from each to the board. However, the COO is in the middle and is regarded as senior, or the C-Suite team leader. This relationship is shown by raising the COO box to 50% higher than the CFO and CGO boxes. The seniority is also shown by dotted lines from CFO to COO and from CGO to COO. So the chart only shows the 4 boxes and solid and dotted lines. generate the image
Prompt: a simple flow chart starting at inquiry to retainer/questionnaire then to initial design then  to design approval then to assembly & delivery
Prompt: Flowchart
Prompt: draw an organizational chart for Bishop's Centenary College
Prompt: from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

# Create a blank image with white background
width, height = 1000, 600
image ='RGB', (width, height), 'white')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

# Set up basic font
font_path = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf"
title_font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 16)
subtitle_font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 14)
text_font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 12)

# Title
draw.text((10, 10), "Updated Class Diagram for 'Create Title' Use Case", font=title_font, fill='black')

# Classes and Attributes
classes = {
    "Title": ["+ titleID: int", "+ titleName: string", "+ createDate: date", "+ getDetails(): string", "+ setDetails(details: string): void"],
    "Movie": ["+ director: string", "+ duration: int", "+ getDetails(): string", "+ setDetails(details: string): void"],
    "Game": ["+ genre: string", "+ platform: string", "+ getDetails(): string", "+ setDetails(details: string): void"],
    "Music": ["+ artist: string", "+ album: string", "+ getDetails(): string", "+ setDetails(details: string): void"],
    "TitleFactory": ["+ createTitle(type: string, details: string): Title", "+ createMovie(details: string): Movie", "+ createGame(details: string): Game", "+ createMusic(details: string): Music"]

# Positions for the classes
positions = {
    "Title": (50, 50),
    "Movie": (50, 200),
    "Game": (350, 200),
    "Music": (650, 200),
    "TitleFactory": (350, 400)

# Draw classes
for class_name, attributes in classes.items():
    x, y = positions[class_name]
    draw.rectangle((x, y, x+250, y+25), outline='black', width=2)
    draw.text((x+5, y+5), class_name, font=subtitle_font, fill='black')
    for i, attribute in enumerate(attributes):
        draw.text((x+5, y+35+i*20), attribute, font=text_font, fill='black')

# Save the image
image_path = "updated_class_diagram.png"  # This will display the image if the environment supports it
Prompt: ơ đồ lớp (Class Diagram): Minh họa các lớp chính trong hệ thống như Book, Reader, và Transaction, cùng với các thuộc tính và phương thức tương ứng. Sơ đồ cũng mô tả mối quan hệ giữa các lớp.
Prompt: Create a flowchart depicting the different internal and external communication channels inside a business organisation and the flow of information.
Prompt: Diagram showing input (e.g., prompts) → AI Processing → Output (e.g., text generation).