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Made by: Ultimate Upscale
Width: 2688Height: 3360
Seed: 1837479068

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Prompt: Heaven's gate battle between angel and demon armies, epic golden celestial setting, angelic leaders with flowing white robes and divine armor, fiery demonic generals with twisted horns and charred wings, epic battle scene with divine weapons and fiery explosions, high quality, epic fantasy, golden celestial lighting, detailed wings and armor, powerful and ethereal
Prompt: In the image, Azrael Darkheart stands tall and imposing against a backdrop of swirling darkness and celestial light. His figure is cloaked in shadow, his form partially obscured by billowing clouds of ethereal mist.

Azrael's armor gleams with a faint, otherworldly luminescence, crafted from the remnants of fallen stars and imbued with the power of the heavens. His wings, once radiant and resplendent, are now tattered and torn, their once-glorious feathers dulled by the passage of time.

Despite his fallen status, there is a regal elegance to Azrael's bearing, a reminder of his celestial heritage and divine origins. His eyes, pools of radiant light amidst the darkness, burn with an intensity that speaks of ancient wisdom and boundless power.

In one hand, Azrael holds aloft a sword of pure light, its blade shimmering with ethereal energy. In the other, he clutches a darkened orb, a symbol of the destruction and chaos that he seeks to unleash upon the mortal realm.

Behind him, the heavens themselves seem to tremble, as if recoiling from the presence of this fallen angel. Yet amidst the tumult of celestial forces, Azrael stands undaunted, his resolve unyielding as he prepares to unleash his wrath upon the world below. He is the Fallen Angel, a being of light and darkness, destined to bring about the end of all things.
Prompt: An ethereal celestial being gently envelopes a solitary male warrior with its luminescent wings as a form of ethereal shield. The warrior is in the midst of a combat with a demon. <lora:Dark:1.0>
Prompt: realistic image; shot from below; body of dead angel holding glowing rays falling from the dark sky; dynamic pose; deep green forest
Prompt: Knight angel bring light in the deepest subterran of hell snd repealing evil