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Dennis Au Yeung

Dennis Au Yeung

Model: RealVisXL V4.0


Width: 1024
Height: 1024
Scale: 13
Steps: 25
Seed: 212099015
Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE Karras

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Prompt: In your peaceful backyard, the day transitions into a tranquil evening. You’re seated comfortably in a cushioned wicker chair, facing a beautiful fish pond. The pond, home to colorful koi, is the centerpiece of the yard. They glide gracefully through the clear water, creating ripples that catch the soft, golden light of the setting sun.

Surrounding the pond, lush greenery flourishes. Ferns, hostas, and flowering plants like lilies and irises add splashes of color and texture. A small, elegant fountain in the pond adds a soothing, continuous trickling sound to the ambient symphony of the evening.

Above, tall oak and maple trees form a natural canopy. Their leaves, rustling gently in the breeze, cast dappled shadows on the ground. Birds—finches, sparrows, and perhaps a robin—flutter and sing softly in the branches, preparing to roost for the night. The air is fresh and slightly cool, carrying the scent of blooming flowers and moist earth.

Soft garden lights begin to glow as dusk deepens. They line a stone pathway that winds through the garden, leading to a cozy wooden bench in a secluded corner. The lights create a magical, almost ethereal atmosphere, inviting you to relax and enjoy the serene surroundings
Prompt: A tropical bedroom, plants, rocks, water feature, humid, rock walls, trees, pond
Prompt: 這幅畫描繪了一個深邃的井口,井水清澈透明,在陽光的照射下散發出微微的光芒。



整個畫面表達了"井水"般的處世態度 - 穩重、內斂、專注、質樸、涵養力量。這種處世態度雖平淡,卻蘊含著持久的魅力和價值。
Prompt: 一口古井在季夏時節,滋養着花園內的生命和人
Prompt: 如果一個人的人生可以比喻為「井水」,那麼可以從以下幾個方面來解讀:

1. **源泉穩固**:
   - 就像井水源自地下水脈,這個人的人生基礎是扎實而穩固的。
   - 他們可能擁有良好的家庭環境、教育背景或其他堅實的人生根基。

2. **潛力深厚**:
   - 正如井水蘊藏在地下,這個人的內在品格和能力可能深不可測。
   - 雖然表面看起來平凡,但實際上擁有豐富的人生經歷和智慧。

3. **循序漸進**:
   - 井水的湧出是緩慢而穩定的,沒有驟然湧出的波瀾壯闊。
   - 這個人的人生歷程可能也是循序漸進,沒有急於求成,而是步步為營。

4. **質淨無雜**:
   - 井水相較於地表水,其水質通常更為純淨清澈。
   - 這個人的人格可能也比較單純,少有浮華和虛偽的一面。

5. **適用廣泛**:
   - 井水可廣泛用於飲用、灌溉等各種場合。
   - 這個人可能也具有廣泛的適用性和應變能力,在不同領域都能發揮所長。
