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The living Lord Buddha is in a dark room where candles are lit and there are rose petals falling on the floor inside that room. Also, surrounded by the goddesses, the godesses goddesses wearing life robes, wearing beautiful white transparent divine robes, worshiping around Him, worshiping and worshiping, they are gathered around Him, give me a picture of this scene.It should be as if there is a living Buddha in the body of Lord Buddha. It should be shown like a real human figure. It should be shown not like a statue but like a living Buddha body. They should surround him with divyanganavan deities and they should show the divine swarupayatan.It should be as if there is a living Buddha in the body of Lord Buddha. It should be shown like a real human figure. It should be shown not like a statue but like a living Buddha body. Surrounding him are the Divyanganas, the gods, they are dressed in beautiful shining cloths similar to the divine form, and they serve the Buddha with various divine flowers and divine fruits.
The living Lord Buddha is in a dark room where... [more]
Model: OpenArt SDXL
Width: 1024Height: 1024
Scale: 7Steps: 25
Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE KarrasSeed: 1579455802
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Prompt: A medium shot of a A lone Serene Buddhist monk meditates sitting in the full lotus position, in front of a Buddhist monestary.  His face is beautiful and peaceful, ultra detailed, highly detailed scenario, photorealistic, intricate, masterpiece, UHD, HDR, symmetric, coherent, epic detail, stunning, beautiful, ,lumen render ,lumen path tracing ,path tracing light ,path tracing shadow ,path tracing special fx,
Prompt: The living Lord Buddha is in a dark room where candles are lit and there are rose petals falling on the floor inside that room. Also, surrounded by the goddesses, the godesses goddesses wearing life robes, wearing beautiful white transparent divine robes, worshiping around Him, worshiping and worshiping, they are gathered around Him, give me a picture of this scene.It should be as if there is a living Buddha in the body of Lord Buddha. It should be shown like a real human figure. It should be shown not like a statue but like a living Buddha body. They should surround him with divyanganavan deities and they should show the divine swarupayatan.It should be as if there is a living Buddha in the body of Lord Buddha. It should be shown like a real human figure. It should be shown not like a statue but like a living Buddha body. Surrounding him are the Divyanganas, the gods, they are dressed in beautiful shining cloths similar to the divine form, and they serve the Buddha with various divine flowers and divine fruits. These particular deities wear divine robes. They are white in color and there are beautiful golden stripes on their clothes, gold ornaments and their own pearls. And these gods are wearing divine ornaments on their heads. They are beautiful divyabans with gold and silver on top and they have like clouds at their feet which represents that they have come from heaven. Create these   Goddesses and Gods to be alive. The Buddha should be seemed life like to be like a real to eyes . The Buddha’s eyes should be blue and hair should be kind of bluish too. The Buddha’s skin should be golden and the robe should be yellowish . The Buddha should be showing a posture that he hold his hand ✋🏼 towards these goddesses and delivering his speech taking a rose flower by other hand while smelling the rose
Prompt: A medium shot of a A lone Serene Buddhist monk meditates sitting in the full lotus position, in front of a Buddhist monestary.  His face is beautiful and peaceful, ultra detailed, highly detailed scenario, photorealistic, intricate, masterpiece, UHD, HDR, symmetric, coherent, epic detail, stunning, beautiful, ,lumen render ,lumen path tracing ,path tracing light ,path tracing shadow ,path tracing special fx,
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Prompt: The living Lord Buddha is in a dark room where candles are lit and there are rose petals falling on the floor inside that room. Also, surrounded by the goddesses, the godesses goddesses wearing life robes, wearing beautiful white transparent divine robes, worshiping around Him, worshiping and worshiping, they are gathered around Him, give me a picture of this scene.It should be as if there is a living Buddha in the body of Lord Buddha. It should be shown like a real human figure. It should be shown not like a statue but like a living Buddha body. They should surround him with divyanganavan deities and they should show the divine swarupayatan.It should be as if there is a living Buddha in the body of Lord Buddha. It should be shown like a real human figure. It should be shown not like a statue but like a living Buddha body. Surrounding him are the Divyanganas, the gods, they are dressed in beautiful shining cloths similar to the divine form, and they serve the Buddha with various divine flowers and divine fruits.