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Dark, eerie, bloodpunk, macabre, white background, detailed, horror, high contrast, blood-red accents, dark shadows, deathpunk, professional quality, detailed details, misc-macabre style, atmospheric lighting
Dark, eerie, bloodpunk, macabre, white backgrou... [more]

Negative prompt

deformed, ugly, mutilated, disfigured, text, extra limbs, face cut, head cut, extra fingers, extra arms, poorly drawn face, mutation, bad proportions, cropped head, malformed limbs, mutated hands, fused fingers, long neck, lowres, error, cropped, worst quality, low quality, jpeg artifacts, out of frame, watermark, signature
deformed, ugly, mutilated, disfigured, text, ex... [more]
Model: Stained Glass Portrait
Width: 1024Height: 1024
Scale: 7Steps: 30
Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE KarrasSeed: 1017016906
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