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Model: Stable Diffusion
Width: 1584Height: 2048

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Prompt: Norse mythology kingdom with a snowy mountain range in the background
Prompt: [mountain and man] dark fantasy, sharp focus,
 very detailed, detailed background elements, maximum texture, --ar 1:1
Prompt: The sky shines deep and the vast landscape stretches out like a canvas of wonder. Towering mountains rise into the misty sky, their rugged peaks and valleys shrouded in a mystical veil. The moon, a silver crescent, casts an ethereal glow, illuminating the scene with a soft, dreamy light.
Prompt: Starry Night sky over a snowy mountain
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Prompt: give me some realistic picture base on script below

A lone FIGURE (20s) stands at the summit of a majestic mountain, silhouetted against a breathtaking night sky. The air is crisp and thin. Millions of stars sprawl across a canvas of deep indigo, punctuated by the luminous glow of the Milky Way. A gentle breeze whispers through the rocks.


The figure takes a deep breath, filling their lungs with the cold, clear mountain air. They pull on a light jacket, gazing up at the celestial spectacle above.

They say the higher you climb, the closer you get to the stars.  I don't know about that, but... it certainly feels true tonight.

The camera pans across the landscape, revealing a vast panorama of jagged peaks shrouded in darkness. A distant valley twinkles with the lights of a small town.

It's amazing how quiet it gets up here. Like the whole world is asleep. Just you, the mountains, and the stars.

A shooting star streaks across the sky, leaving a fleeting trail of light. The figure smiles.

Sometimes you need a little perspective. A reminder that there's so much more out there than our everyday troubles.

The figure turns, gazing out at the moonlit horizon.

It's humbling.  Makes you feel a little smaller, but somehow... bigger too. Like you're part of something vast and incredible.

The figure closes their eyes, inhaling the crisp mountain air. A sense of peace settles over them.

Tonight, the world feels endless. And full of possibilities.

The figure opens their eyes, a determined glint flickering within them.

Maybe tomorrow will be different. Maybe I can make a difference.

The figure takes a deep breath and turns back towards the descent path, a newfound resolve in their stride.
