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Made by: Ultimate Upscale
Mode: Precise upscale
Width: 4096
Height: 3088
Seed: 1802207341
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Prompt: A mysterious, young woman takes a solitary walk through a dense forest. Capture a dreamy atmosphere inspired by soft brushstrokes reminiscent of the Impressionist era, a time when artists used vivid colours and thin brush strokes. The sunlight dapples through the foliage, casting a play of light and shadows around her. She wears a flowing, chiffon dress which flutters as she moves. Illuminate in her hands a vintage film camera, a nod to historical eras of photography. This image should evoke a sense of nostalgic charm coupled with the majesty of nature.
Prompt: A white star born in the evening glow
Looked to the round green world below,
And saw a pool in a wooded place
That held like a jewel her mirrored face.
She said to the pool: "Oh, wondrous deep,
I love you, I give you my light to keep.
Oh, more profound than the moving sea
That never has shown myself to me!
Oh, fathomless as the sky is far,
Hold forever your tremulous star!"
But out of the woods as night grew cool
A brown pig came to the little pool;
It grunted and splashed and waded in
And the deepest place but reached its chin.
The water gurgled with tender glee
And the mud churned up in it turbidly.
The star grew pale and hid her face
In a bit of floating cloud like lace.

The Star

    By Sara Teasdale]
Prompt: Selah. Life is a journey. Gratitude.
Prompt: /imagine prompt: Explore the serene beauty of nature with Denisa Drahotová as she wanders through a tranquil forest. The setting is a lush woodland, with sunlight filtering through the canopy and birdsong filling the air. Denisa Drahotová, at one with the natural world, moves with a sense of peace and harmony. The image is rendered with a soft, ethereal quality, capturing the essence of nature's embrace. The mood is one of tranquility and connection, inviting viewers to appreciate the beauty of the outdoors and the serenity it brings. --ar 16:9 --v 5 --q 2
Prompt: Serene lakeside scene, elegant girl, sunlight dancing on water, thoughtful gaze into horizon, high quality, detailed, serene, elegant, tranquil, lakeside, sunlight reflections, thoughtful gaze, peaceful, natural lighting
Prompt: path of a mothers universal revenge
Prompt: The tall muscular 25-year-old Swiss female goddess bodybuilder, very well endowed, wearing sheer white flowing robes, fingers brushed lightly over the dewy grass; the movement was so gentle that I almost attributed it to the light breeze blowing through the trees far above. The fluttering of the leaves caused the shadows on the forest floor, spawned by the faint sunlight of the approaching dawn, to dance serenely. The sky was dotted with streaks of orange and purple as the sun began to rise above the horizon.