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Shaheen Perveen

Shaheen Perveen


Don't insult me, sister. I'm not able to relax even for a short while Had I laboured like this at another's household, life would have been a lot easier. And he would have been grateful too. Kill yourself with work yet no one's pleased." Both the women walked away after drawing water. Gangi came out of the tree's shadow and walked towards the well. The idlers had gone away The Thakur too had shut the door from inside and was readying himself to sleep in the courtyard. Gangi heaved a sigh of relief. The coast seemed clear now. Even the prince who had gone to steal amrita, would not have taken such meticulous care. Gangi treaded the edge of the well with soh steps. Seldom had she experienced such a sense of triumph! She looped one end of the rope round the pitcher's neck. She peered to her right and left, like a soldier readying himself to pierce the enemy's defences. If she were caught now, there would be no mercy at all. At last, invoking the gods, fortifying her heart, she lowered the pitcher into the well. The pitcher sank into the water gently, making no sound at all. Gangi pulled the rope up quickly, and the pitcher came up to the top. Even a powerful wrestler couldn't have drawn up the pitcher so swiftly. Gangi leaned forward to catch the pitcher and rest it on the edge of the well. Just then the Thakur's door opened suddenly. A lion's look could not have been more terrifying than this sound. The rope slipped through her hands, and the pitcher went hurtling down the well and hit the water with a loud thud. The water kept making a rippling sound for a few moments. The Thakur was advancing towards the well, shouting. 'Who's there? Who's there?" and Gangi, jumping from the well's platform, was running furiously. When she reached home, she found Jokhu drinking the dirty water from the lota.
Don't insult me, sister. I'm not able to relax... [more]
Model: OpenArt Creative
Width: 768Height: 576
Scale: 7Steps: 91
Sampler: DDIMSeed: 894624480

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