
Create your first image

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painting event poster, poster design, garuda bird in the center, batik, bird claw, indonesia, borobudur, wayang, splash art, island, leaf, mountain, starry sky, garuda painted, rendered, lineart, cartoon, digital art, splash-in-the-center, word space
painting event poster, poster design, garuda bi... [more]

Negative prompt

disorted face, disorted hand, chinese, neon, humanoid
disorted face, disorted hand, chinese, neon, hu... [more]
Model: OpenArt Creative
Width: 544Height: 768
Scale: 7Steps: 25
Sampler: DPM Solver++Seed: 1173909016

Original image

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Prompt: poster design, garuda in the center, batik, indonesia, borobudur, wayang, splash art, island, mountain, starry sky, garuda painted, rendered, lineart, cartoon, digital art, splash-in-the-center, word space