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Usman Gani

Usman Gani

Made by: Outpainting

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high resolution, 4k, detailed, high quality, professional, wide view
high resolution, 4k, detailed, high quality, professional, wide view [more]
Width: 2048Height: 1536

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Prompt: simple logo with "Grabstein" as center
Prompt: Eastern Bloc car company logo
Prompt: Design a modern, sleek, and simple logo for the brand ‘Geramatic’. The logo should be inspired by gadgets and technology. It should have a minimalist design similar to the logos of Digikala and Snapp. The color scheme should be clean and professional, preferably using shades of blue or gray, but you can use other colors if it fits the theme. The logo should incorporate elements that symbolize gadgets, innovation, and technology in a creative way. The text ‘Geramatic’ should be prominently featured in a stylish and readable font.”

I will now use this prompt to generate the logo.
Prompt: create a logo for a team called "The Collective" that is responsible for Cyber compliance and assurance
Prompt: Create a flat 2D logo for a selling Eco Friendly products company named Greennic, ensuring it faces directly forward. The logo should be modern and minimalistic, incorporating should be letter G and in recycle shape to symbolize the brand’s essence. It should be adaptable for print media and reflect the cutting-edge nature of Eco Friendly. The design should be on a white background and avoid any 3D perspectives or effects to ensure it is straightforward and clean. use earth colors in the logo.
Prompt: I need a company logo the company name is CRflow i would like you to focus on the C and the R and have that be the main part
Prompt: Create a logo that says GEK262 and a bull
Prompt: Glitch effect logo on circular design, neon colors, futuristic style, high quality, glitch art, tech, modern, company logo design, neon lighting, digital art, professional, vibrant colors, circle, highres. Place inside the circle the text 'GLIT'.
Prompt: create a company logo that manufactors electrical houshold cleaning appliance called electroclean

keep it a bit more simple and connect it to iceland as it is icelandic company