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Josip Gregov

Josip Gregov


A room with only 1 male white programmer in a hoodie behind a large desk with coffee to the left of him, monitor and laptop in front of him, todo list to the right of him. There is at least 10 meters between desk and wall. There is another desk in between with microcontroller and a rack with attached PLC and wires hanging out of it. On the shelf there is a diploma and some medals. On the right of the table there is large tripod whiteboard with a todo list.
A room with only 1 male white programmer in a hoodie behind a large desk with coffee to the left... [more]
Model: OpenArt SDXL
Width: 1024Height: 576
Scale: 15Steps: 25
Sampler: Seed: 1064832861

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Prompt: Creating a Disney-style animation video in one minute is quite complex, but I can outline a simplified version:

1. **Introduction (0:00 - 0:05)**:
   - Show a cozy desk setup with a character (maybe a cute animal or a friendly robot) sitting down to work. Have cheerful music playing in the background.

2. **Tip 1: Prioritize Your Tasks (0:06 - 0:15)**:
   - Show the character making a list and then marking the most important tasks with bright stars or colorful highlights. Add text bubbles with simple phrases like "Focus on the important stuff!"

3. **Tip 2: Time Blocking (0:16 - 0:25)**:
   - Show the character using a calendar, drawing blocks of time for different activities. Include text bubbles with phrases like "Schedule your day for success!"

4. **Tip 3: Eliminate Distractions (0:26 - 0:35)**:
   - Show the character tidying up their workspace and turning off notifications on their devices. Use visual cues like a clean desk and a phone on silent mode.

5. **Tip 4: Take Regular Breaks (0:36 - 0:45)**:
   - Show the character taking short breaks, maybe stretching or going for a quick walk. Use text bubbles saying "Rest and recharge!"

6. **Tip 5: Use Technology Wisely (0:46 - 0:55)**:
   - Show the character using helpful apps or tools for productivity. Add text bubbles with phrases like "Tech can be your friend!"

7. **Conclusion (0:56 - 1:00)**:
   - Show the character happily finishing their tasks and feeling accomplished. Have a closing message like "You're ready to conquer your day!"

Remember to keep the animation simple and colorful, with characters and scenes easy to understand.
Prompt: a shadowed person sitting at a desk with gaming gear. in a lofi theme