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Made by: Ultimate Upscale
Mode: Creative upscale (legacy&SFW)
Width: 4192Height: 2368
Seed: 1376580273

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Prompt: In the image, Kaelen Darkmourne stands amidst a desolate wasteland, his figure cloaked in billowing robes of deepest black. The fabric clings to his form like a shroud, accentuating his imposing presence and ominous aura.

Kaelen's face is obscured by the shadows of his hood, leaving only the faintest glimpse of his eyes glowing with an unholy light. His hands are outstretched before him, crackling with dark energy as he channels the power of the abyss.

Behind Kaelen, the landscape stretches out in all directions, a barren expanse of crumbling ruins and twisted vegetation. The sky above is choked with dark clouds, casting a pall of gloom over the desolate landscape.

In the distance, the faint sounds of chaos and destruction echo through the air, a grim reminder of the havoc that Kaelen has wrought upon the world. He stands as a harbinger of doom, a figure of fear and dread whose very presence heralds the coming apocalypse.

As Kaelen gazes into the distance, his eyes burn with an unholy light, reflecting the malevolent power that courses through his veins. He is a master of dark magic and necromancy, a servant of the dark gods of oblivion, and a force to be reckoned with in the battle for the fate of the world.
Prompt: Best quality, Masterpiece, ultra high resolution, (photograph realistic:1.4), surrealism, Dream-like,fusionart, Shadowdancer, shadow magic, darkness control, stealth, shadowstep, umbral spells, hidden blade,
Prompt: Medieval fantasy illustration of a skilled maid assassin, detailed flowing robes, mysterious and stealthy demeanor, intricate dagger with a hidden blade, high fantasy setting, mannerhouse, silhouette in the background, detailed satin fabric with rich textures, piercing and determined gaze, enchanted dagger, best quality, high fantasy, detailed robes, assassin, medieval, moonlit, skilled, stealthy, mysterious, determined gaze, professional, atmospheric lighting
Prompt: dark necromancer in robe and armor with army of dead
Prompt: Best quality, Masterpiece, ultra high resolution, (photograph realistic:1.4), surrealism, Dream-like,fusionart, Shadowdancer, shadow magic, darkness control, stealth, shadowstep, umbral spells, hidden blade,