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high resolution, 4k, detailed, high quality, professional, wide view
high resolution, 4k, detailed, high quality, professional, wide view [more]
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Prompt: Create a UHD, 64K, professional oil painting in the style of Carl Heinrich Bloch, blending the American Barbizon School and Flemish Baroque influences, depicting a beautiful woman standing at the edge of a forest at sunset. She is dressed in a simple, elegant gown with a black overlay. The sunset throws an array of purple, pink, and orange streaks across the sky, casting a golden glow over the landscape and the old tree beside her. In the background, a majestic mountain rises against the horizon. The atmosphere is serene and filled with the gentle beauty of a quiet evening.
Prompt: Create a UHD, 64K, professional oil painting in the style of Carl Heinrich Bloch, blending the American Barbizon School and Flemish Baroque influences. Depict a beautiful woman standing at the edge of a forest at sunset. She is dressed in a simple, elegant gown with a black overlay and a flowing purple skirt. The sunset throws an array of purple, pink, and orange streaks across the sky, casting a golden glow over the landscape and the old tree beside her. In the background, a majestic mountain rises against the horizon. The atmosphere is serene and filled with the gentle beauty of a quiet evening, emphasizing the tranquil and picturesque scene.
Prompt: Barefoot woman in a dreamy, ethereal forest, flowing gown, soft and peaceful atmosphere, high quality, oil painting, fantasy, pastel tones, soft lighting, detailed hair and serene expression, nature-inspired, tranquil, mystical, elegant, scenic, gentle breeze, vibrant greenery, romantic, serene beauty
Prompt: Barefoot woman in a dreamy, ethereal forest, flowing gown, soft and peaceful atmosphere, high quality, oil painting, fantasy, pastel tones, soft lighting, detailed hair and serene expression, nature-inspired, tranquil, mystical, elegant, scenic, gentle breeze, vibrant greenery, romantic, serene beauty
Prompt: My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:
'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,
But being too happy in thine happiness—
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In some melodious plot
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Prompt: Imagine a character named Zephyr, an enigmatic being with a swirling cloak of mist that conceals their true form. Zephyr moves with an ethereal grace, gliding effortlessly through the air as if weightless. Their eyes, hidden behind a veil of shifting shadows, hold ancient wisdom and unfathomable secrets. Zephyr's presence brings a gentle breeze that whispers tales of distant lands and forgotten dreams, leaving those who encounter them in a state of wonder and curiosity. Despite their mysterious nature, Zephyr exudes a sense of calm and tranquility, drawing others to them like moths to a flame.
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