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Sanel Ametovski

Sanel Ametovski

Made by: Outpainting

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high resolution, 4k, detailed, high quality, professional, wide view
high resolution, 4k, detailed, high quality, professional, wide view [more]
Width: 2048Height: 1152

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Prompt: bald anunaki goddess with elongated head, afro-futurism egyptian city setting
Prompt: Ancient Egyptian royal wearing elaborate jewelry and makeup, luxurious gold and precious gemstones, intricate hieroglyphic engravings, high quality, regal, ancient Egyptian, detailed makeup, opulent jewelry, golden tones, royal lighting, historical, luxurious setting
Prompt: Create a visually captivating character portrait featuring an Egyptian female warrior with a strong, confident presence that reflects her cultural heritage and fighting prowess.
Physical Features: Design her with a deep, rich skin tone and well-defined facial features that exude determination and strength. Give her striking eyes with the traditional Egyptian eyeliner and eye of Horus markings. Style her hair in intricate braids or a traditional Egyptian hairstyle, adding gold beads or other adornments for a touch of elegance.
Attire: Dress her in a blend of traditional Egyptian garments and battle-ready armor, incorporating elements such as a flowing linen shendyt, a golden collar necklace, and ornate bracelets. Combine lighter fabrics with protective leather and metal pieces for her arms, legs, and torso to create a functional yet visually appealing design.
Weapons: Equip her with signature Egyptian weapons such as a khopesh sword, a bow and arrow, or a spear, featuring gold accents and jeweled embellishments. These armaments should convey her skill and prowess as a formidable warrior.
Accessories: Adorn her with culturally relevant jewelry, such as golden earrings, an ankh-shaped pendant, or scarab bracelets that enhance her overall appearance and speak to her ancient Egyptian heritage.
Setting: Set the character against a backdrop of ancient Egyptian architecture, including towering sandstone temples, detailed hieroglyphics, and statues of Egyptian gods and pharaohs. Utilize warm desert tones, vivid sunsets, or the shimmering waters of the Nile River to create an immersive and atmospheric environment.
Ensure high detail and meticulous rendering of her facial features, hair, attire, weapons, and accessories to create a visually captivating and historically inspired portrait of an Egyptian female warrior, showcasing her unique blend of strength, beauty, and cultural identity.
Prompt: bald-headed anunaki goddess with elongated head, afro-futurism egyptian city setting
Prompt: HD 4k 3D, 8k, hyper realistic, professional modeling, ethereal Egyptian Goddess style, Harvest Goddess, beautiful, glowing tan skin, silver hair, mythical rustic outfit and jewelry, headpiece, full body, goddess of grain and weaving, Fantasy setting, surrounded by ambient divine glow, detailed, elegant, surreal dramatic lighting, majestic, goddesslike aura, octane render, artistic and whimsical
Prompt: Realistic high definition fashion business in the Metarverse photo, amazing composition, astonishing detail, ancient Egypt decor, African models
Prompt: HD 4k 3D 8k professional modeling photo hyper realistic beautiful woman enchanted Ethiopian slave Princess Aida, ethereal greek goddess, full body surrounded by ambient glow, magical, highly detailed, intricate, beautiful Egypt, operetta, outdoor landscape, highly realistic woman, high fantasy background, elegant, mythical, surreal lighting, majestic, goddesslike aura, Annie Leibovitz style
Prompt: Create a striking close-up of a woman adorned in a gold headdress and necklace, capturing the essence of a beautiful Cleopatra-inspired character. Emphasize her Egyptian heritage through clothing, makeup, and the regal crown she wears. Incorporate elements of Egyptian princesses and ancient Libyan royalty to create a captivating portrait of Cleopatra. Utilize high-quality, detailed art with 8k resolution to showcase her gorgeous features and cinematic goddess-like presence. Infuse the character design with authentic Egyptian style, including traditional clothing and accessories, for a visually stunning and historically-inspired representation of a powerful Egyptian woman.
Prompt: HD 4k 3D 8k professional modeling photo hyper realistic beautiful woman enchanted Ethiopian slave Princess Aida, ethereal greek goddess, full body surrounded by ambient glow, magical, highly detailed, intricate, beautiful Egypt, operetta, outdoor landscape, highly realistic woman, high fantasy background, elegant, mythical, surreal lighting, majestic, goddesslike aura, Annie Leibovitz style