
Create your first image

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UHD facial features, extreme action pose, mixed media artwork of an alluring, beautiful, smiling green eyed long reddish-blonde hair woman, 20s, in short green pants and golden top, pale legs, ankle boots, running up a steep rocky path, featuring colored pencils, color ink, watercolor, and gouache
UHD facial features, extreme action pose, mixed... [more]

Negative prompt

(deformed iris, deformed pupils, semi-realistic, cgi, 3d, render, sketch, cartoon, drawing, anime), text, cropped, out of frame, worst quality, low quality, jpeg artifacts, ugly, duplicate, morbid, mutilated, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, blurry, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, cloned face, disfigured, gross proportions, malformed limbs, missing arms, extra arms, extra legs, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, BadDream, UnrealisticDream, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, badhandv4
(deformed iris, deformed pupils, semi-realistic... [more]
Model: Alphonse Mucha Style
Width: 1024Height: 1024
Scale: 7Steps: 30
Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE KarrasSeed: 711270017
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Prompt: UHD facial features, extreme action pose, mixed media artwork of an alluring, beautiful, smiling green eyed long reddish-blonde hair woman, 30s, in a short green skirt and gold top, pale legs, ankle boots, running up a steep rocky path, featuring colored pencils, color ink, watercolor, and gouache
Prompt: Character sheet, female human, peach skin, long auburn wavy hair, piercing hazel irises, tall slender body, dressed in simple mint green dress, bell sleeves, flowy dress, gorgeous, beautiful, D&D sheet, oc character. comic book art. illustration  simple forest background
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Prompt: Character sheet, female human, peach skin, long auburn wavy hair, piercing hazel irises, tall slender body, dressed in simple mint green dress, bell sleeves, flowy dress, gorgeous, beautiful, D&D sheet, oc character. comic book art. illustration  simple night forest background. campfire
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Prompt: UHD facial features, extreme action pose, mixed media artwork of an alluring, beautiful, smiling green eyed long reddish-blonde hair woman, 20s, in  short green pants and gold top, pale legs, ankle boots, running up a steep rocky path, featuring colored pencils, color ink, watercolor, and gouache